*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well Bunny, I recognize your efforts. I'm sure you deserve a medal. In fact, I notice you haven't been recognized as a "friend"...hint hint folks. ;)
............hello.........hello?........HELLO !!!......( oooo...that's loud.) (hello....?)

WHY am I sitting here 1/2 asleep in my wheelchair? Did I take a nap? Who turned-on my computer?

WHERE is my Guard-Dog "Crockett" ?

what time is it? Did I feed-the-chickens ? Is there any COLD......Pabst Blue Ribbon ???

Where is my Oatmeal ?

THE Curmudgeon
Well Bunny, I recognize your efforts. I'm sure you deserve a medal. In fact, I notice you haven't been recognized as a "friend"...hint hint folks.
Your word is our command, Queen Em
Or perhaps this is nothing more than a smoke screen to divert our attentions.

eenie, we need your input.
My apologies for going AWOL at such an inopportune time. Eenie worked a 12.5 hour shift yesterday. Her boss had 3 events in a 24-hour period: a wedding rehearsal, a family reunion, and the actual wedding reception. The day before, she spent six hours on set construction for the musical. The day before that, she had to work for 3.5 hours directly following a meeting and gun salute.

WHY did I think it was a good idea to get a life??
I suggest that Tani only be allowed to go on this pizza date if she promises to embarrass herself by smearing pizza sauce all over her face and spilling her drink in the guy's lap.
The Comrade and I went for pizza with my parents and he spilled his drink in my lap.
It was hysterical.
Hello folks! So the Dear Queen is still that busy? *talks to self. . . Shut up J.D., shut up!*

Uh, Eenie I hope you cleaned up that spilled drink and not the Comrade.

I heard that Tani is having a sleep over and invited the Elders. Well if there is going to be youngers, particularly female youngers, I'll have to pass. It's like Bluesub said about the sparkly thing. Ok I'll admit it. These days teenage girls scare me!

Oh C, coon fat works a lot better than possum fat on bearings. It's water proof too, just smells a little funny. About your oatmeal, I have no idea where it went.
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