SIGN UPS: "Blocks of Hope" Granny Square Swap (Cancer Awareness)

OMG, this one is beyond adorable!! it looks like it has a mountain man beard that hangs to the floor
Send my this one with your squares, ok? lol

I lost my only NN not too long ago, she was just at laying age but i think something went wrong internally :( . We did buy a "showgirl cockerel" a few weeks back and he just started laying eggs a couple days ago
. I think she's adorable but my sister was pretty bummed to find out it was a hen, the one time she actually wanted a rooster. Her little frizzle cochin roo is the daddy of her soon to be babies, should be pretty adorable!

Ms. Suckerpunch always jumping in the pictures, despite her crooked face she's actually a really pretty little cochin.

Same thing happened to me with two Blue barred rocks. Both girls, but I don't mind and wouldn't if that happened more often. I don' t have NN yet but they are entertaining.
That looks great, should add some pizzazz to everyone's projects!

How creative. I like that twist block very

I love that!! Its really cool!!

I really like that.
Thanks all, I just wanted to make sure I got the ok before I start making more of these. I still haven't found the yarn... I've now checked Michael's, JoAnns, Hobby Lobby, and Wal-mart! I think I have to resort to online...
I have never seen a chicken like this!
Yes, Thing 1 and 2 are unique. They are a cross between a NN that carries FM (dark skin / flesh) and mottled houdan. They don't show mottled b/c that takes 2 genes, if I had a mottled boy to breed them back to their offspring would be mottled.
Quote: Yes, Thing 1 and 2 are unique. They are a cross between a NN that carries FM (dark skin / flesh) and mottled houdan. They don't show mottled b/c that takes 2 genes, if I had a mottled boy to breed them back to their offspring would be mottled.
Those are so funny!! Love it! I was just telling my bf last night that someday I want some chickens with "Afros". I just think its hilarious the way they move while the chickens are walking! My chicks in the brooder, 9 days old, have just started working on that pecking order. Lol They're so cute!
Don't mind the dirty water, I clean it 3 times a day, but they love to put bedding in it.
sonderah, I use a brick in my brooders to elevate the water to keep them from throwing shavings and poo in it. works pretty well and it's just enough height to keep stuff out but they can still reach to drink.

Imagine all the funny looks you'll get going to the hardware store to buy a Single brick.
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