Sigrid van Dort articles in English?


9 Years
Jul 3, 2010
NW Illinois
I'm trying to find some of Sigrid van Dort's color genetics articles translated into English. Some of them have been easier to locate than others. The Dutch PDFs are available online, but translating using applications like Google translate just don't cut it!

I'm especially interested in: ISABEL WITMPORSEELEITN (okerwitgepareld) and IBSABEOL WITPORSELEIN? - of is het VUILWIT isabel porselein...

These particular articles are about the colors isabel, lavender, and porcelein and the interaction with dominant white....

The Dutch PDFs can be found here:
click on the picture of each article and there are more listings under "Artikelen"

I'm ready to go out and buy a Dutch/English dictionary, I'm sooooo frustrated! Gee, why doesn't everyone just speak English?!
LOL I'm only joking, it was a joke!
Sigrid has a whole book on genetics in English. Genetics of Chicken Colours.
When I use Google to search for one of her articles, after I click on the link it asks me at the top of the page if I want it to be translated to English. I just click "yes" and it magically translates it.
Of course she has a book!!! But I've heard obtaining a copy here in the U.S. is next to impossible. Am I misinformed?

And many of the articles are too long for the online translating apps, like google. Or they don't translate accurately
She has a new book being printed at this time about silkies and her genetics book is due for a reprinting. I will see if I can locate one here in the U.S. for sale.
Yeah, I saw that she has a silkie book coming out! I thought the Genetics of Chicken Colors was available as an Ebook but I haven't been able to find that either. Please do let me know if you locate a copy. Meanwhile I'll be learning Dutch!
The english versions of the articles were often placed on
They were removed because they were not new enough, I guess, as is the link to the chickencalculator.
Must have striken her against the grain

So what do you want to know about the article?
I have the Chicken Genetics colors book. It took my friend Dick Boulanger a while to get the book. We had the wrong email address. I ordered mine from I think it was the president of the Serama club they have exclusive rights to sell it. I also talked to Sigrid herself for a bit because it was hard to find the correct email for the US distributor. Its an awesome book and well worth the effort and cost.

I had ordered 2 of the english versions from Jerry the Serema guy in LA. At the time I bought the second one, he only had like 4 copies left. That was a month or two ago.

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