Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Haha hes prolly still too young to get how it's done. The girls prolly not.interested in his young swagga dance. If hes being rough and drawing blood consider a saddle that extends to the tail.
Haha hes prolly still too young to get how it's done. The girls prolly not.interested in his young swagga dance. If hes being rough and drawing blood consider a saddle that extends to the tail.
he is a year and a half so im pretty sure he is not to young and his hen is laying right now and he is in with a rooster who is mating hens so he should learn how to do it but he was running with my dominate rooster (partridge chantecler) and he watched him so i think she should know how to do it there is no blood or anything he is just pulling the feathers out of her tail and im pretty sure he is the dominate silkie roo out of the 2
Dust?   what is blue cloud dust?

Like a sand bath. Mine like it. Blue cload is a refined powder that is often used with chinchillas or taxidemy items. Its very clean.

he is a year and a half so im pretty sure he is not to young and his hen is laying right now and he is in with a rooster who is mating hens so he should learn how to do it but he was running with my dominate rooster (partridge chantecler) and he watched him so i think she should know how to do it there is no blood or anything he is just pulling the feathers out of her tail and im pretty sure he is the dominate silkie roo out of the 2 

Maybe clumsy or just being bossy?
I would like folks here to critique my seven month old cockerel. If he is up to standard, I would like to put him in a trio this Fall. I don't have pictures of his feet and toe spacing yet. Five on each foot. No missing toe nails or added or fused toes. His cushion is soft. No hard quills. I trimmed his bum in anticipation of breeding him but haven't put him with the hens yet. Seven months old and he is still maturing. He free ranges with the bachelors and is a gentle soul with people but he is top cockerel in the flock. Is he breeding material?
Can you post a few more profile pictures? In the middle image it almost appears that his wing is pointing straight down...also I would like to see more tail to balance him.
I now have a beautiful true black roo to complete my TB pen. Thanks to my wonderful friend. Bach seems to be a wonderful roo....he is 7 mo. old and is still figuring out just what his job is. But the girls seem to really like him.He is much darker than the pic shows. It was during the noon time sun when I took the pics. SO...let me know what you think about him. I am entering him in a show in 2 weeks.Thanks!
He does need to fill out more, but I would worry about those wings. Does he always carry them like that? Otherwise he has a lovely shape...
Snowman is filling out nicely, here he is today (needs a bath bad!) with his adopted daughter Marie
He just cracks me up... such a sweetie.
Yep, still adorable;-)
i just started a silkie farm! i have four so far and one half silkie. here they are: truffles my black cock (hopefully) Blizzard my white pullet . Snowball my white hen (the rooster pecked out her pom-pom:barnie ) Black Pearl my black half-silkie hen and Juliett my grey or blue hen :love
Blizzard appears to be a cockerel. Sorry:(
So in my pen I currently have 1 red roo, 1 partridge pullet, 1 buff pullet and 2 white pullets. I was wondering what coloured offspring I can expect to get from them?

Red roo X partridge will produce?
Red roo X buff will produce?
Red roo X white pullet will produce?

All my birds are from pure lines! Hoping to get some nice colours! I have notice that there is very little information on these color crossings.. Wonder why?

Inform me Silkie peps!


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