Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

This is my newest silkie pullet. She is blue and 6 months old. She won 1st at the last show I was at. What makes her so great? I am super new to silkies and I've tried to read about the standard but some of the terms still throw me off.
Where do you get this gene information? I'd like to know a few outcomes of various color crosses
This is a fun site to play with
It doesn't always apply because of hidden genes unknown to the breeder.
This is my newest silkie pullet. She is blue and 6 months old. She won 1st at the last show I was at. What makes her so great? I am super new to silkies and I've tried to read about the standard but some of the terms still throw me off.
This is not a real good picture to evaluate but she looks like she has nice type and a full crest. I don't know what is making her crest split apart.
I think she had her head against the bars. Unfortunately this is the only pic of her I have at the moment. I haven't picked her up from my friend yet.
yes thanks for taking pics of all the winners...really interesting..i wish i had done that at my show...i tried to take some of the amazing splash but as they were on the bottom row of two stacked rows it was hard to both get a good pic and also to really see the beautiful birds properly....
@dweeg....a friend and I are meeting a couple people at the show..hope we get to meet you as well. Always nice to put faces with posts! We all should get together and have lunch maybe.
@dweeg....a friend and I are meeting a couple people at the show..hope we get to meet you as well. Always nice to put faces with posts! We all should get together and have lunch maybe.

Can I be that person and invite myself to that lunch? I would love to meet some more silkie lovers!
First, I apologize if this has been covered already. Trust me I try to keep up. What are the genetics behind porcelain? I believe they can only be bred to the same color correct? So if you cross one with buff or lav you will get off colors?
Is this a silky? He was given to me with some frizzles I got, he has 5 toes and dark skin. His earlobe is normally a turquoisey blue but has gone white since the recent load of snow!
I asked people what colour he was and have been told he might be a cross with another breed. apparently you guys are the experts and you should know if he is definately a 'proper' silky! He has had some feathers pecked out of his crest.

Is this a silky? He was given to me with some frizzles I got, he has 5 toes and dark skin. His earlobe is normally a turquoisey blue but has gone white since the recent load of snow!
I asked people what colour he was and have been told he might be a cross with another breed. apparently you guys are the experts and you should know if he is definately a 'proper' silky! He has had some feathers pecked out of his crest.

He is a silkie, but looks to be some kind of mix, his tail looks too long to me to be pure silkie.
Thanks for your reply, so if I want to breed some sizzles then I should get rid of him and get myself another 'proper' silky.

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