Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

4 months today =D

I bet he'll turn out nice when he matures.
Well, sorry dragonlady
... Here is Mr. Snowmiser AKA snowball
He crowed this morning so I went to pick him up. I just love him though! I hope he isn't too loud, Ice is really putting him in his place so maybe he will be too scared to crow haha! I'm sure his wings will correct themselves, he's been living in a dog crate so he didn't get much room to exercise them. He'll grow out of it now that he has room to grow.

Such beautiful birds!
Anyone have any secrets to getting the hair tape (I have paper tape but same thing) to stay on the crest? I put it on Snow's crest last night, and this morning it was stuck to the bottom of his foot
. It seemed to be on there pretty good, it stuck well to his crest but when I tested it didn't pull feathers out when I gently removed a section. But if he keeps yanking it off with his foot it might! Should I wrap it tighter? I had it very loose, just enough to stick to the feathers and hold it out of his eyes. Without his crest up he is afraid to come out of the coop and he can't see his food and water
It has been very hot here the past few days and it's only going to get hotter so I don't want him to dehydrate!

BTW I made this
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Anyone have any secrets to getting the hair tape (I have paper tape but same thing) to stay on the crest? I put it on Snow's crest last night, and this morning it was stuck to the bottom of his foot
. It seemed to be on there pretty good, it stuck well to his crest but when I tested it didn't pull feathers out when I gently removed a section. But if he keeps yanking it off with his foot it might! Should I wrap it tighter? I had it very loose, just enough to stick to the feathers and hold it out of his eyes. Without his crest up he is afraid to come out of the coop and he can't see his food and water
It has been very hot here the past few days and it's only going to get hotter so I don't want him to dehydrate!

BTW I made this

Great to see the birds enjoying themselves. As for the other issue, you made me choke on my coffee when I read "stuck to his foot". lol
Typical! Good luck, as I have not found anything to work because they WILL get it - whatever IT is - out of there. Silly little stinkers.
Just catching up with all the posts and glad to be back.
Glad to have you back!
I have been absent for quite a while between the kids being sick, me getting a pneumonia and more and of course I had to continue taking care of my menagerie lol.
We are all getting better though.
I have new chicks hatched and some were really a surprise. I got 2 chicks so far from my blue girl and my black roo who turned out to be paints (at least that what I think lol). I will keep them to see how they turn out.

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