Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

You put pure Talcum, NOT cornstarch baby powder, into the beards, vents nd bottoms of feet after the birds are dry. You must blow it out before judging.

It says ingredients: Talc, fragrance. That is the correct one right? Is it to make them white or to keep them clean? I need to get Snowmiser whiter than he is =( His bum is all stained. He and Cindy my showgirl always get their bums dirty but Bumble my young cockerel has a pearly white bum? Also Snowmiser's feet are yellowed. I tried using baking soda/peroxide paste but it didn't do as much as I needed it to for him, worked great on Cindy and bumble though. Maybe because I was getting angry with him because I had to stand there with him because he kept trying to eat it! So I didn't let it sit as long as it should have. I was not happy with him today... He was a brat!
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How's the toe spacing in these two chicks?
Put her crest up ! Can she see ? Wiggle your fingers in front of her eyes, and check.

When I saw this post my thught was the same. Can she see? If you don't plan to show her or they don't you can trim the feathers by her eyes till you can see them. I had this happen to one of my pullets. She wouldn't even walk around much. I finally figured out she was blinded by her crest. After a little trimming she was fine.
those are some awesome looking white silkies on this thread. my favorite colors are white, splash (because of the possible colors) and paint

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