Silkie breeding, genetics & showing


I'm having to put my paint pullet down. :( she won't let me give her-her medicine, so she's not getting better. :(
Thanks, now I'm like down to two show birds for next week.
Again i'd advise you not to bring your birds. It's your call but with them being sick and you just having to cull one because of what looks like MG you could possibly be dooming everyone else's chickens. State protocol for a flock that is diagnosed with MG is either a flock lockdown or complete extermination...
I"m so sorry. The birds that I've had that had gotten sick once they stop letting you help them they died shortly after. It's like they know or have given up. Poor girl.
I totally agree. Missing a show to save others birds is no sacrifice compared to everybody else loosing their birds because they got sick from being close to your birds. Although they may not seem sick at the time it's still taking a huge risk at the expense of others.
Thanks, now I'm like down to two show birds for next week. :/

I am so sorry for your loss :(

I have to agree with the other posters, please do not bring your birds to an upcoming show. They should all be quarantined until you know for a fact that no one else has it. It isn't worth a ribbon/piece of paper etc if you are knowingly putting other birds at risk. Even if your other birds don't have it, they still might spread it. It's show season, there will be plenty of other shows!

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