Silkie chick, scissor beak?


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
This little cutie is four weeks old. I just noticed today her bottom beak is straying a little. She has been eating and drinking fine but is there anything I can do for her? Will it get worse? Sorry for the red light. They were settling down to sleep and I didn’t want to stress her out by moving her around.
This little cutie is four weeks old. I just noticed today her bottom beak is straying a little. She has been eating and drinking fine but is there anything I can do for her? Will it get worse? Sorry for the red light. They were settling down to sleep and I didn’t want to stress her out by moving her around.
A little hard to see with the red light, but if she's eating/drinking fine that's a good thing.
No one can know if the beak will get worse - it's possible as she matures. I don't know of anything you can do to prevent it.
You may want to weigh her once a week to make sure she's gaining weight.
Here's some info about cross/scissor beak
A little hard to see with the red light, but if she's eating/drinking fine that's a good thing.
No one can know if the beak will get worse - it's possible as she matures. I don't know of anything you can do to prevent it.
You may want to weigh her once a week to make sure she's gaining weight.
Here's some info about cross/scissor beak
I’ll try to get better pictures in the morning after they have woken up and are more active. She’s settled down for the night and I don’t want to disturb her. I do have a scale for baking I could use to weigh her. I didn’t think of that.
Thank you for the reference.
Cross beak does usually get worse as they grow but should stabilize when they finish growing.

My scissor beak girl started to show at the same age, and she does fine, it's not a severe case so she's never needed much special care or extra feeding. Keep an eye on yours, make sure your feeders and waterer are deep and easy to get into, but until/unless it gets much worse you shouldn't need to do anything else.
Cross beak does usually get worse as they grow but should stabilize when they finish growing.

My scissor beak girl started to show at the same age, and she does fine, it's not a severe case so she's never needed much special care or extra feeding. Keep an eye on yours, make sure your feeders and waterer are deep and easy to get into, but until/unless it gets much worse you shouldn't need to do anything else.
Thanks. That makes me feel better. This is my first time keeping chickens and I had read about this before. But seeing other people deal with it and dealing with it yourself is something completely different.
Hopefully this is a better picture. She is the smallest of all five and I found that she stays behind the others a lot. If the others move to a new area in the room, I brood in my house, she will remain where everyone last was for awhile. Then play catch up.
Here's my Beakie. 7 months old now. I make her smoothies and serve 2-3 times a day....She also has a shower in the kitchen sink 2xweek and a blow-dry. Luckily, her 5 Buff Orpington sisters are kind to her. They do enjoy snacking from the smoothie dish (I use a bigger, deeper dish now) but I bribe them away with mealworms when Beakie is dining....Good luck.


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Here's my Beakie. 7 months old now. I make her smoothies and serve 2-3 times a day....She also has a shower in the kitchen sink 2xweek and a blow-dry. Luckily, her 5 Buff Orpington sisters are kind to her. They do enjoy snacking from the smoothie dish (I use a bigger, deeper dish now) but I bribe them away with mealworms when Beakie is dining....Good luck.
I’m hoping this little chick, who I named Beakers, is a girl. But I told my husband we’re keeping her no matter what. Boy or girl. I like the smoothie idea. She eats FF now and can eat some crumbles. But I have a feeling that might change as she grows. Are your smoothies just FF? Or watered down feed?

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