Silkie chick with lump/growth


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2019
Please help! I received a flock of ten Silkies yesterday. Nine are healthy. One has a black lump/growth on the backside of the head. It appears the others had been pecking at it. She is also unable to stand or walk without falling to the right. I've kept her hydrated and comfortable, but she's not eating. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with her? How do I help her?


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Please help! I received a flock of ten Silkies yesterday. Nine are healthy. One has a black lump/growth on the backside of the head. It appears the others had been pecking at it. She is also unable to stand or walk without falling to the right. I've kept her hydrated and comfortable, but she's not eating. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with her? How do I help her?
I'm sorry about your chick.
It looks like she's been injured. I would flush the wound really well with saline, betadine or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens). Apply triple antibiotic ointment or vetericyn spray to wound.

Silkies have a vaulted skull, so she might be suffering from severe head trauma - this can cause the inability to stand/falling. If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench, give her 2-3 drops twice a day. I would also give her extra vitamin E in addition to the Nutri-Drench. Once you get her hydrated, see if she will take a little wet mushy chick starter or a little egg.

I would keep her separated from the other chicks. If your brooder is large enough, make a wire barrier so she can still see them. Keep her warm. A stuffed animal, if you have one can be placed in the brooder for her to snuggle with.

You are doing what you can for her. I hope she starts to improve :hugs
I'm sorry about your chick.
It looks like she's been injured. I would flush the wound really well with saline, betadine or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens). Apply triple antibiotic ointment or vetericyn spray to wound.

Silkies have a vaulted skull, so she might be suffering from severe head trauma - this can cause the inability to stand/falling. If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench, give her 2-3 drops twice a day. I would also give her extra vitamin E in addition to the Nutri-Drench. Once you get her hydrated, see if she will take a little wet mushy chick starter or a little egg.

I would keep her separated from the other chicks. If your brooder is large enough, make a wire barrier so she can still see them. Keep her warm. A stuffed animal, if you have one can be placed in the brooder for her to snuggle with.

You are doing what you can for her. I hope she starts to improve :hugs
I'm sorry about your chick.
It looks like she's been injured. I would flush the wound really well with saline, betadine or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens). Apply triple antibiotic ointment or vetericyn spray to wound.

Silkies have a vaulted skull, so she might be suffering from severe head trauma - this can cause the inability to stand/falling. If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench, give her 2-3 drops twice a day. I would also give her extra vitamin E in addition to the Nutri-Drench. Once you get her hydrated, see if she will take a little wet mushy chick starter or a little egg.

I would keep her separated from the other chicks. If your brooder is large enough, make a wire barrier so she can still see them. Keep her warm. A stuffed animal, if you have one can be placed in the brooder for her to snuggle with.

You are doing what you can for her. I hope she starts to improve :hugs
I'm sorry about your chick.
It looks like she's been injured. I would flush the wound really well with saline, betadine or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens). Apply triple antibiotic ointment or vetericyn spray to wound.

Silkies have a vaulted skull, so she might be suffering from severe head trauma - this can cause the inability to stand/falling. If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench, give her 2-3 drops twice a day. I would also give her extra vitamin E in addition to the Nutri-Drench. Once you get her hydrated, see if she will take a little wet mushy chick starter or a little egg.

I would keep her separated from the other chicks. If your brooder is large enough, make a wire barrier so she can still see them. Keep her warm. A stuffed animal, if you have one can be placed in the brooder for her to snuggle with.

You are doing what you can for her. I hope she starts to improve :hugs

Thank you for the information. I am new to chicken farming. I have her in the broader, but separated by a wire hamster cage. She has a nice stuffed animal to cuddle with. I am just already really attached to this darn little chick. I wish I knew exactly what was going on.
Thank you for the information. I am new to chicken farming. I have her in the broader, but separated by a wire hamster cage. She has a nice stuffed animal to cuddle with. I am just already really attached to this darn little chick. I wish I knew exactly what was going on.
:hugs Silkies can suffer damage with a peck on the head. With them having a vaulted skull (they have a hole in their skull) it doesn't take a lot for them to suffer trauma when they are that little. (neurological damage). Since this is the back of the head it's along that line of the spine and/or skull.
Vitamin therapy, (B1, B2) and especially Vitamin E may help. Her skin should be black since she's a Silkie, but it's there's probably some dried blood there too.
:hugs Silkies can suffer damage with a peck on the head. With them having a vaulted skull (they have a hole in their skull) it doesn't take a lot for them to suffer trauma when they are that little. (neurological damage). Since this is the back of the head it's along that line of the spine and/or skull.
Vitamin therapy, (B1, B2) and especially Vitamin E may help. Her skin should be black since she's a Silkie, but it's there's probably some dried blood there too.
Thank you!
She is a little better. She's able to take a few steps before falling to the right, BUT she is able to stay upright and isn't flailing helplessly. (Happy dance!) The injury looks much better also. I haven't been able to get her to eat yet. But she takes water and it has an organic multivitamin in it.
She is a little better. She's able to take a few steps before falling to the right, BUT she is able to stay upright and isn't flailing helplessly. (Happy dance!) The injury looks much better also. I haven't been able to get her to eat yet. But she takes water and it has an organic multivitamin in it.
:fl I hope she continues to get better.

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