
May 26, 2020
We have 2 silkie hens that are sitting on eggs. Our chickens currently share a pen with our ducks (we had them separate, and the chickens decided to move in with the ducks instead). I'm wondering once the chicks hatch if the ducks will bother them, or if mama hen will keep them safe if there is a problem? Or do we need to come up with a plan to move mama and chicks to a brooder? Any suggestions are appreciated. This is our first batch of chicks that our hens are hatching!
It really depends on your flock, and integrated raising can work well, however, it can go disastrously.

I don't have ducks, but I have flock raised and broody main coop hatched. Some years it goes swimmingly. Others, I lose chicks due to foot traffic and stranding (chick getting stranded from momma hen and chilling to death).

Silkies are delicate birds to begin with, and Silkie chicks are small. I personally would be leery of having the two in the same pen with the really small chicks.

I find integration with my standards to chicken pen best at 2 weeks of age. The chicks are much less prone to stranding and overall smarter and hardier. I'd push that date out further with Silkies.

My thoughts.

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