Silkie confusion or maybe im right?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
ok i have 3 silkies, i have a feeling i have 2 roos and a hen, but this is my first trio of silkies so i am praying one of my roos is indeed a hen! i can post pics when i post a couple more times so i will return to add them!
Good Luck!
Waiting for pictures
ok lets see if these pics work!!

i think this black one is my hen?

the white is the one that i am confused about!

my grey, is it a roo? i think it is

i have alot more pics so if needed i can upload them too
i think the first one is the only hen and all the others are roos.
and you're right, the white one is a bit confusing but i'm leaning towards roo because its comb and wattles are much more developed than the white ones.
are they a mix cause they have red combs and wattles?
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im not sure, the breeder i bought them off said they were purebred, but after reading the posts in here i would say they could possibly be a mix, but i would not know what they would be crossed with!
they are mixes. Black looks hen, blue looks roo, how old are they. I guess if close to laying age the white might be a hen?
they are all from the same lay, they are around 12 weeks old now, i bought them when they were 6 weeks old

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