I put about 60 more silkie eggs in the incubator that we collected over the last 3 weeks. Only 4 are from my white pen and all others from the blue/black/splash pens-Those girls are popping them out almost daily! I just started adding Calf Manna supplement to their feed so hoping it helps develop strong chicks.
I was SO frustrated with my Shih-tzu the otherday. I had just collected an egg from the white pen and set it inside the house in a basket. Then I went outside ti finish chores. When I came back inside, the dog had carried the egg to her bed and had broken a hole to eat the egg. I was especially upset because when I cracked it all the way open to look at the yolk...it had a perfect target showing fertility! I can't seem to build my white silkie pen.
Wow, I had to toss about 30 eggs out.
Many were infertile from pullets that just started laying. The roosters haven't gotten to "know" them yet. Then I had about 3 blood rings.
Crossing my fingers for the 2 white silkie eggs to hatch....along with the others of course. There are 32 eggs developing still.