Silkie Holiday Hatch-a-long

Put eggs in 5 hrs ago. Avrrage temp between three thermometers is 99.5 and humidity is up to 30 percent so I'm happy. I ll start turner in another 36 hrs and away we go.
Sounds like everything started out very good! Hope you have a successful hatch!
Put eggs in 5 hrs ago. Avrrage temp between three thermometers is 99.5 and humidity is up to 30 percent so I'm happy. I ll start turner in another 36 hrs and away we go.
very exciting!!! I am starting my first incubation by the end of this month. I just ordered my incubator today, brinsea octagon 20. have been like you going over the incubation instructions like crazy. you are sounding spot on to what i've read so far. :) good luck!!!
Thanks everyone. :) I will one of these days have a brinsea but for now its a farmers. Its -39 here with the wind chill. Went out to do chores and my silkies all came out to say hi. Sat in run to warm up a little. Love these fluff balls.
I have 5 due to hatch on Saturday. Hoping for a good hatch. :fl it's very cold here too. Currently -33 with the windchill. I moved my silkies to my basement. They are nice and toasty down there. Hoping everyone is warm and safe.
Happy Hatching to all!!! :) quick question.... when you weigh/candle your eggs you take them out individually? or take the carton out and go through them all quick? read to make sure they aren't out longer than 30 min. but would it be better to take one at a time? or the whole bunch?

ordered my incubator yesterday!!! hoping it ships fast, will be ordering my eggs either this monday the 13th or else the 20th at the latest.... hatch along here I come!!!

Freezing here too, advisory last night was for wind chills of -55, I didn't check though. still freezing everywhere... then supposed to be 37 here on friday, crazy temp swing. will feel like summer by then!
Happy Hatching to all!!! :) quick question.... when you weigh/candle your eggs you take them out individually? or take the carton out and go through them all quick? read to make sure they aren't out longer than 30 min. but would it be better to take one at a time? or the whole bunch?

ordered my incubator yesterday!!! hoping it ships fast, will be ordering my eggs either this monday the 13th or else the 20th at the latest.... hatch along here I come!!!

Freezing here too, advisory last night was for wind chills of -55, I didn't check though. still freezing everywhere... then supposed to be 37 here on friday, crazy temp swing. will feel like summer by then!
We candled our eggs on day 5 and they were in the incubator so we took out 1 egg at a time. We never candled before so it took us a few seconds to get the hang of it. We then put the egg back and got another egg and candle and so forth. We held the eggs over a towel, just in case we accidentally dropped an egg, but we never did. Happy Hatching!
We candled our eggs on day 5 and they were in the incubator so we took out 1 egg at a time. We never candled before so it took us a few seconds to get the hang of it. We then put the egg back and got another egg and candle and so forth. We held the eggs over a towel, just in case we accidentally dropped an egg, but we never did. Happy Hatching!
sounds great, thank you for the help!
okay, another question prior to arrival of my incubator and eggs.... when you candle your eggs and weigh them do you wear latex gloves or anything or is just washing your hands enough? and just washing hands or washing with antibacterial soap?

another thought... after shipped eggs are received I will let them set for 24 hours, it says in a styrafoam egg carton with holes cut out of bottom, do I need to santize this carton as well?

thanks for putting up with my neurosis... :) lol

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