Silkie Names!!!

I have:
twilight-Black silkie hen
Midnight-black silkie roo
Sunny- buff sikie hen
Bandit-black silkie roo chick
Ms.Chicky-black silkie hen chick
Puff Puff- black silkie hen
onyx- white silkie roo chick
slashigal-Splash silkie hen
Splash-splash silkie roo
Smokie-grey silkie
Plus more unnamed chicks-black,buff
I have a male silkie cross named atlas :3

I have 2 6 month olds named spice and gypsy.

I have 2 babies, one is named Rocco and the other is Tiny.

My big white silkie is named King. You can guess why!
My premier two are

Maman ( Female ) and Papa Silkie ( Rooster) they are now getting on for 5 years of age


Tweebie, Twiglet, Tippex, Snowbelle, Tinker.... plus juveniles as yet not named


The Colonel & Spirit

My premier two are

Maman ( Female ) and Papa Silkie ( Rooster) they are now getting on for 5 years of age


Tweebie, Twiglet, Tippex, Snowbelle, Tinker.... plus juveniles as yet not named


The Colonel & Spirit

do you mind if I use tween ice twiglet,snowbelle, and tinker. :)
Not at all! I and my Silkie girls would be honoured for their names to be shared....!

Suzie and Silkie's

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