Silkie Princesses mystery egg hatch along! + Updates on chicks!šŸ£

One of the Araucana eggs has it's air cell in the middle of it's egg. Could it possibly hatch? Its still more than 10 days till they are due to hatch but I'm just thinking
Are you hatching upright or vertical? I've been doing shipped eggs -bonky air cells almost seem normal now. Stand that baby up in an egg crate and manually turn. It may not be dazzling but it'll get to where it needs to be.
Okay so I didn't say this before but...
The bantam egg is Tilly's! I know I said I thrown it away BUT I did put It put of the incubator and then I gave Tilly herb tea. She stopped sneezing. So I started to thing that maybe Itā€™s not MG after all. I decided to put the egg back inside but before I would candle it to see if it didint die (Itā€™s been outside for 4 hours). And there it was wagging its tiny embryotic tailšŸ¤£So yeah thats the whole story!
Eggs are in lockdown! I will still have to open the bator a few times a day to tirn the other 6 eggs but yes.. We are almost there!
Oh Yeah Love GIF by Ashley Longshore

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