silkie sexing

Is she tame? She looks so cuddly!

She is adorable!!

Isn't she!? She is SO tame! We can pet her without her being startled, she likes being snuggled, she's very calm and sweet. I can trust her on the grass and know I'll be able to catch her. She loves my boys but they pick on her so we're doing to "look but don't touch" method for now with supervised interaction because she is so small. She walks right up to my feet and stands there... when we were interacting with sweet little Sunflower at Sharon's, she walked right up to me and didn't want to leave my hands when I picked her up! She's absolutely precious!

Now I'm wondering maybe if Gracey is REALLY a girl (the blue/black)... because the back of his neck feathers are more like the hen Sharon showed me than like Albedo's or Willow's (the feathers swoop together instead of swooping up and out).... There's not really any streamers... hmmmm. I don't wanna get my hopes up... but now I'm wondering...
Here's some more of Gracey (12-13 weeks)... see, he doesn't look like he has any streamers at all! Or am I missing them? Willow's are horribly obvious.
The back of Gracey's neck is very soft and the feathers there swoop together while Willows and Albedo's are very rough and swoop up/out.

But he always holds his tail up (he didn't until he got older).

Comb hasn't increased in size... like, at all.

He's smaller than Willow and has THIN legs compared to Albedo and Willow.

And the comb is STILL nonexistent.

He just a super slow-developing cockerel or what?!
Mine are about 7 weeks and on of them is a lil smaller and it will run around flapping its wings and opening up is mouth with its neck streached out as if to crow but of course nothing happens , the other one with the blacker face has never done anything like that but is a lil fatter
Hello, please help us sexing our partridge silkie "Milo" and our black silkie "Zulu". They are both about 4 to 5 months old. We are pretty sure Zulu is a girl and Milo is starting to look like a boy, but is pretty mellow and has not crowed yet if he is a boy. We were hoping for two girls, but have fallen in Love with both. We already have a golden laced bantam cochin and are not sure what we are going to do if Milo is a boy. We are pretty new to chicken and in particular silkies and would appreciate any help.

I apologize in advance if this isn't the proper place to post this. We are new to silkies, have four that are 15 weeks old and at this point it looks like one boy and three girls (keeping fingers crossed). Will this boy/girl ratio work? We also have two bantam pullets around 10 weeks old, will they fill out the harem for our silkie boy? The silkies are so different from the rest of the flock (EE, BR), so calm and gentle but I don't know what to expect when the silkie boy hormones kick in.
My silkies are approximately 9 weeks old and I would love for people to help me guess what gender birds I have. I had a photo shoot with them last night when they were getting sleepy and pretty easy to keep in one spot. I have 7 silkies: 3 bearded whites, 3 non-bearded partridge/splash and 1 bearded partridge/splash. The only one I think might be a cockerel is Top Knot because of the colored comb. Top Knot's ears turned turquoise about a week ago but I don't know if that is a gender specific trait or not. Top Knot also behaves like a rooster in that he/she seems to protect the others and is always watching out over them.

And here are some pics of them all together, they seem to be about the same size/age at this point in time.


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