silkie sexing

I'm thinking this is a rooster?


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Thank you so much for your responses FoxHoleFarm, CrazyChookLady5, and HowFunkyIsUrChicken! I really appreciate it. I am new to chickens in general and am trying to learn as much as I can about certain breeds because I'd like to show them eventually so it's nice to know that there is promise with the birds that I currently have. I am just wanting to do it for fun, though.

Thanks again!
Hello everyone, This was my first Silkie hatch and it was a nightmare on my nerves! Don't think incubator hatching is for me :) What is everyone's opinion on these 5 little rascals? I love them regardless of gender, but I wanted to at least kinda know what their gender might be so I can name them a little better. Right now their names are Moo, Goo, Gai, Pan, and Lo Mein because we were eating Chinese food when they were hatching. They are all roughly 2 months old today (8 weeks and 4 days). Thank you in advance for everyone's comments and thoughts! Moo (very curious and the largest of all of the Silkies hatched, so we were leaning towards a rooster, but not sure... also what color is this called? Splash? or Paint? or other?) Goo (kinda has a mad scientist look to him/her) Gai (thinking that this one might be a roo because s/he kept photo bombing every attempted shot :) Pan (timid so I am thinking girl, but they are all kind of skittish so not really sure here) And our favorite, Lo Mein, because s/he was the smallest and sickliest and fought hard to live and pulled through. Thanks again and sorry for being picture heavy. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Just curious, were these eggs from your flock or did you purchase them? The cuckoo are gorgeous! I'd love info on how to buy some!
Yes, I bought all of their eggs from EBay. I've been searching for a good cuckoo breeder for years now. I can't remember her eBay user name offhand but I'll look and pm you with it when I find it. I can't remember how much I paid but I bought 6 eggs and she sent 8 which was nice. Unfortunately, I used a crappy Tractor Supply incubator so I am sure I would've had more hatch under a broody. She told me her cuckoos are molting right now but I am sure she'll sell more when they start back up. The splash and black silkie came from someone else on eBay. The lighter grey one does only have 4 toes. The other darker two are correct with their toe numbers though.
Yes, I bought all of their eggs from EBay. I've been searching for a good cuckoo breeder for years now. I can't remember her eBay user name offhand but I'll look and pm you with it when I find it. I can't remember how much I paid but I bought 6 eggs and she sent 8 which was nice. Unfortunately, I used a crappy Tractor Supply incubator so I am sure I would've had more hatch under a broody. She told me her cuckoos are molting right now but I am sure she'll sell more when they start back up. The splash and black silkie came from someone else on eBay. The lighter grey one does only have 4 toes. The other darker two are correct with their toe numbers though.

Great! I'm excited to hear from you. I have some cuckoo but am looking to diversify my flock, and those are really spectacular birds! Of course my incubators full right now and no ones broody! But it sounds like the seller isn't getting eggs now anyways, so hopefully spring time :fl Thank you so much!

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