Silkie thread!

The first few are porcleains (project pen), then lavenders, and in the last pic is a blue and a black.

As for their personalities mine are shy and quiet, but vert sweet. They love to be pampered!

I meant what colors are there in the whole world??


Varieties recognised in the US are bearded and non-bearded for each of: white, black, blue, splash, partridge, grey & buff. Bearded lavender (self-blue) will hopefully be recognised withing a few months.

Other countries also have paint & red. Maybe more. Sometimes the names are different from one country to another (buff = gold, for example)
My first fertile silkie egg is in the hatcher now.
I sure hope it hatches. For some reason i've been having very low hatch rates.
They die about time for them to hatch so cross your fingers for me.
This is from a partrige hen and a black lavender split roo.
I put them up on wire a couple months before the show. I up their feed to 24% protein with some Manna Pro Calf Manna added to it.

The next show im going to is this January. So I can't have the birds up on wire anymore, getting to cold at night. So I moved them into the garage in deep shavings. I bathed the 2 whites and the splash before I put them in the garage. The buffs I just moved over yesterday. All the birds get sprayed down with Permethrin, to prevent/kill any bugs that may be on the birds. The permethrin lasts about 30 days, so I redo all the birds (not just show birds) every 30 days for prevention and I haven't seen any bugs. The day before the show I bathe the birds. I use a flea/tick shampoo to bathe them. Then I use liquid glycerin in their rinse water. The whites and splash will get bathed last, I will use some shout in case they have any stains on their feathers. I use a little bluing when I bathe them. Then rinse with liquid glycerin in their rinse water. Then I put them under a heat lamp in deep shavings until the next morning when I pack up for the show (at least 24 hours). I also add some whole wheat in their food. I heard it makes the poo harder, so it's easier to pick up out of the cages.

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