Silkie thread!

so upset! so my ex best friend (no longer friends for varous reasons) wanted some show quality wyandotte bantams so i bought her a trio which is kept at my house cause she lives in town. they were isolated for about 3 weeks before i added them in a extra breeding pen i had in my silkie/showgirl shed, well a week ago i noticed one of the three limping and i seperated her. she hasnt gotten any worse or better but i decided to cull her tonight, im so worried she had mareks! non of the other birds have any signs of it so far but they were so close to my silkie flock which i have spent so much money on im worried this one bird is going to affect my 36 birds which non are vaccinated idk if thats good or bad cause now at least they will show signs and not be secret carriers!!!!

I'm so sorry!!! Back Silkie day today.
Thank you. I brought him in- he's sneezing now. Respiratory. He hasn't been with anyone to have contracted. I guess the cold. I've tried very hard to keep them in those windy days.

I sooo believe in Denagard! Works great..and, you probably already know this, be sure to treat all of your birds that have hung out with this sweetie.
Oh boy. That's a hard one. I hope you can find help for this little bugger quickly. I don't have the slightest clue. If it didn't do too much stress, I would say find a quiet, dark place for him until you can diagnose what else to do! Keep us posted!

My Sis-in-law has some animal Amoxicillin (why did I switch to bold, whatever). Anyway, I brought him in the house for the night. Will go to feed store in the a.m. Want to try the Denagard, Cindy- I'll PM you later about this. Using the vinegar. Have him in the house tonight. Hope he doesn't get used to warm. Supposed to me warm this weekend, I'll put him out then. Thanks!
My Sis-in-law has some animal Amoxicillin (why did I switch to bold, whatever). Anyway, I brought him in the house for the night. Will go to feed store in the a.m. Want to try the Denagard, Cindy- I'll PM you later about this. Using the vinegar. Have him in the house tonight. Hope he doesn't get used to warm. Supposed to me warm this weekend, I'll put him out then. Thanks!

BE not ME- why do I do this one here??
Hi, Silkie lovers! Can I ask you all a question about Silkie breeders?

Doe anyone know of any quality Silkie breeders around central/eastern Missouri or Illinois?

I'm interested in extra fluffy birds with sweet personalities. I live where chickens aren't exactly allowed, and I need to be able to pass them off as rabbits...

If anyone knows of any breeders around central MO who have birds like this, I would appreciate it if you could give me their names. Thank you!

PS: I love this thread, so much good info and nice people! And adorable Silkies.
everyone who sees me holding mine thinks they are cats so your golden haha! OR just keep them as house pets! Mine go from outside to inside all the time. They even sell chicken diapers!
everyone who sees me holding mine thinks they are cats so your golden haha! OR just keep them as house pets! Mine go from outside to inside all the time. They even sell chicken diapers!
I just bought new babies and I was so sad to lock them outside. My husband is already convinced I am a little crazy about them so didn't even flinch when I walked by him in the house cuddling my new favorite girl!

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