Silkie thread!

Does she seem stressed out at all? It could be a bit of congestion since it is the season for it. I have read up on others doing oxine treatments for congestion but have never done it myself or know much about it. I sure hope she gets to feeling better :(
OH NO! My favorite Silkie, Voodoo, is breathing hard and sounds a little congested. I'm on my way to search here for answers, just thought I'd share my misery!
Pam just went through this with my babies. Order Denagard asap from QC unless you already have some and use code 5OFF. Also quarantine and use a vaporizer to help. Usually run it for 30-45 minutes. If you have VetRx put that on it's head and you can even put some warmed in their nostrils. Add electrolytes, Vitamins, Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar to all water. Pray and wait for that Denagard to arrive. If you have Oxine you can spray that in the coop and mist it's face. Hope this helps. Oh and give lots of protein like scrambled eggs to boost the immune system.
Hahaha, thanks for the advice! It is weird though, I see some of the people on this thread say they are the lap dogs of chickens (which was my thought behind getting them) but my roo is a little poop and my hen is a lot more timid then say my Salmon Favorelle or one of my opringtons.... do you all find they are timid until a certain age or have yours been docile from day 1?
Mine are usually timid till about 3 months. Handle often!
Hi, Silkie lovers! Can I ask you all a question about Silkie breeders?

Doe anyone know of any quality Silkie breeders around central/eastern Missouri or Illinois?

I'm interested in extra fluffy birds with sweet personalities. I live where chickens aren't exactly allowed, and I need to be able to pass them off as rabbits...

If anyone knows of any breeders around central MO who have birds like this, I would appreciate it if you could give me their names. Thank you!

PS: I love this thread, so much good info and nice people! And adorable Silkies.
Silkies can easily pass for rabbits, kittens, puppies or Asia ground parrots. :D
I have 3 Silkies. Annabell is my white chicken and she is 9 months old. She follows us all over the yard. She is also the peace keeper in her flock of 7. Patty is our Partridge. She is 3 months old and loves to be with Splash. Splash is our Splash and she is also 3 months old. She is the smallest of our 3 silkies. She is very quiet and still.

Lovely flock!
OH NO! My favorite Silkie, Voodoo, is breathing hard and sounds a little congested. I'm on my way to search here for answers, just thought I'd share my misery!
Oh, no! So sorry!!
Does she seem stressed out at all? It could be a bit of congestion since it is the season for it. I have read up on others doing oxine treatments for congestion but have never done it myself or know much about it. I sure hope she gets to feeling better :(

He is stressed. I picked him up to try to cuddle him, not knowing yet that he was breathing like that. Thought I freaked him out.. He was laying down (not on side) and as I thought about it, I saw him laying down earlier. I could see his whole body moving with the effort. Then panting, and I had to listen for the gurgle. I'm about to go out and check for mites. My feed store is closed now, for antibiotics. BUT I had been taking his pic earlier, and he was standing. That's why I'm afraid that I gave him a heart attack holding him. :( Just took this pic a couple of hours ago! And now, he's laying down gasping! I'm freaking out.

He looks fine! I'm gonna go out there with him, check for mites (I never can see lice or mights) Maybe bring him in for the night, but he's freak out more about that!
I have 3 Silkies. Annabell is my white chicken and she is 9 months old. She follows us all over the yard. She is also the peace keeper in her flock of 7. Patty is our Partridge. She is 3 months old and loves to be with Splash. Splash is our Splash and she is also 3 months old. She is the smallest of our 3 silkies. She is very quiet and still.

Very pretty Silkies!!!
He is stressed. I picked him up to try to cuddle him, not knowing yet that he was breathing like that. Thought I freaked him out.. He was laying down (not on side) and as I thought about it, I saw him laying down earlier. I could see his whole body moving with the effort. Then panting, and I had to listen for the gurgle. I'm about to go out and check for mites. My feed store is closed now, for antibiotics. BUT I had been taking his pic earlier, and he was standing. That's why I'm afraid that I gave him a heart attack holding him. :( Just took this pic a couple of hours ago! And now, he's laying down gasping! I'm freaking out.

He looks fine! I'm gonna go out there with him, check for mites (I never can see lice or mights) Maybe bring him in for the night, but he's freak out more about that!
Oh boy. That's a hard one. I hope you can find help for this little bugger quickly. I don't have the slightest clue. If it didn't do too much stress, I would say find a quiet, dark place for him until you can diagnose what else to do! Keep us posted!
Oh boy. That's a hard one. I hope you can find help for this little bugger quickly. I don't have the slightest clue. If it didn't do too much stress, I would say find a quiet, dark place for him until you can diagnose what else to do! Keep us posted!

Thank you. I brought him in- he's sneezing now. Respiratory. He hasn't been with anyone to have contracted. I guess the cold. I've tried very hard to keep them in those windy days.
so upset! so my ex best friend (no longer friends for varous reasons) wanted some show quality wyandotte bantams so i bought her a trio which is kept at my house cause she lives in town. they were isolated for about 3 weeks before i added them in a extra breeding pen i had in my silkie/showgirl shed, well a week ago i noticed one of the three limping and i seperated her. she hasnt gotten any worse or better but i decided to cull her tonight, im so worried she had mareks! non of the other birds have any signs of it so far but they were so close to my silkie flock which i have spent so much money on im worried this one bird is going to affect my 36 birds which non are vaccinated idk if thats good or bad cause now at least they will show signs and not be secret carriers!!!!
I have 3 Silkies. Annabell is my white chicken and she is 9 months old. She follows us all over the yard. She is also the peace keeper in her flock of 7. Patty is our Partridge. She is 3 months old and loves to be with Splash. Splash is our Splash and she is also 3 months old. She is the smallest of our 3 silkies. She is very quiet and still.

Gorgeous, love the colours!

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