Silkie thread!

so another question... when the vet removed the egg, he dropped it. It's pretty cracked, has a smashed indented side and hairline cracks around most of the egg. I did coat it with elmers glue, but could it still hatch? The membrane is not perforated at all.
I don't know how smashed your egg.
I had one egg last year, the hens put a hole in it. I put duct tape on it and it hatched. lol I don't remember which chick it was but they were all healthy. But this was after the hens had already been sitting on the eggs for probably closer to a week. I don't know if that made a difference?
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I don't know how smashed your egg.
I had one egg last year, the hens put a hole in it. I put duct tape on it and it hatched. lol I don't remember which chick it was but they were all healthy. But this was after the hens had already been sitting on the eggs for probably closer to a week. I don't know if that made a difference?

"Elfie" Catdance porcelain at 4 wks old (5 wks tomorrow ) :)

Pam Pittman
Really cute!!
Day two and all babies are eating, drinking, and doing poo. The last little Buff one to hatch is getting bumped around a lot and chirps mightily in annoyance. Keeping an eye on that chick.

You are having way too much fun!!
Hello there, wow all these silkie babies are sooooo cute :) :) gorgeous. I hope I'm posting this in the right place, apologies if it isn't :s
I have recently become a Silkie owner after wanting them for ages
, and was hoping you could give me an idea of what colour you think these babies will be when they are older, the gentleman I bought them from said that they should be grey/blue but they look a bit on the light side to me. I was just after you guy's opinion if thats ok? Jasper and Sook are 4 weeks old, Twiglet and Pip are 2 weeks old)

This is Sook (4 weeks) on right and Pip (2 weeks) on left

Pip, Sook, and Jasper (4 weeks old-think hes a boy-walks more upright, is a bit bigger than Sook and seems to be the boss!)

Jasper (4 weeks) with Twiglet (2 weeks)


The crew........ thank you
They don't look gray or blue. I'll be interested to see how they turn out. At six weeks you might see a change in color.
Does anyone have a comparison picture of a buff silkie chick to a red silkie chick? I'm curious which is which!
Red is not a standard color. I don't remember seeing a red silkie chick before. You might ask on the "silkies of a different color" thread.
ADORABLE! I am hatching Catdance right now! 2 white ones hatched last night - and I just counted 10 pips! I was so encouraged to read that yours hatched over several days.... keeping me from fretting about the ones who aren't doing anything yet!!

I'm thinking 3 mo old. The farmer said it was a female...well we know how that goes. Here is a better shot of the head.
Looks very boy.
Sorry, this was in reply to chicken pickens photos (splash and porcelain chicks)
So nice to see you on here. Your chicks keep these pages fired up!!

so another question... when the vet removed the egg, he dropped it. It's pretty cracked, has a smashed indented side and hairline cracks around most of the egg. I did coat it with elmers glue, but could it still hatch? The membrane is not perforated at all.
I would try it. Nothing to lose. So glad you were able to take her to the vet.
Momma hen laid an egg with the chicks, signaling she was done with being a full time mom, so my chicks are by themselves now and Mom is back with the flock. They are 4 weeks old, 5 weeks Thursday. Down to 4 now. The poor chick that walked in circles didn't make it. My ones left, however, seem very energetic and happy. They've gotten over the absence of their mother very well. They're so fluffy already! I have high hopes for them. I have two favorites already. Hope these babies turn out as nice as their parents.

Bad hair day
I have no idea. Mine wasn't quite that crushed.
I guess you can try and find out, right?
Unless someone knows better?
hmm, it looks pretty indented. sorry, but i think its to smushed. you could try, but i doubt it would work :( sorry

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