Silkie thread!

I can't believe out of all my girls, my one and only silkie hen has led the way and has laid 5 eggs since starting last week. Only one other hen has started laying and it's my EE in a close second with 4 eggs.
Yay for silkie girls!!

Getting some greens and earthworms today...

Lookin' pretty... haha, my duck was trying to sneak into the photo.
Okay we're back, he actually was able to remove the egg whole, but he gave her a sort of external c-section. He had to slowly pull out her ovaduct, kind of turn it inside out, but when he got to the egg it was actually sort of twisted in the membrane of the ovaduct so he had to make an incision to remove it then stitched her back up. Now to keep her from laying anymore I'm trying to make her go broody so she will stop. Any suggestions? I got some of the plastic easter eggs and filled them with sand and gave them to her in a covered kennel.
Oh I am so happy you went to the vet and acted so quickly. I have never experienced "egg bound" but it sounds pretty scary. So glad she is ok now!
You should begin to meal feed her I.e. a bit in the morning and a bit in the afternoon. Basically to inhibit reproduction she needs to be only having enough calories to support her own body not extra for reproduction. It's like a marathon runner, they do not ovulate because they are barely getting enough calories to support their high energy needs and no more so their body knows they can't support another life. Make sure you keep her in only around 8-10 hours of light daily, be wary of outside lights (street lights etc) that may come thru. There has to be a 10fold difference to be able to distinguish dark from light for chickens. Because silkies are seasonal breeders, the longer days (12 hours of light or more) indicate they should be reproducing. By keeping her in the dark, she will think it is winter. The most important thing is to do both, nutrition can override light sensitivity.

Avian biology major at UGA - I've done lots of repro studies on chickens.

Glad she is all better!!
good to know... thank you for sharing.
Day two and all babies are eating, drinking, and doing poo. The last little Buff one to hatch is getting bumped around a lot and chirps mightily in annoyance. Keeping an eye on that chick.

You got an excellent hatch rate. Congratulation on those adorable cuties!
Thinking 3 mo old?
Looks really boyish to me.
If it were me, I would just toss it because it looks pretty bad. With the heat blood ring and bacteria might developed, and that might contaminate all your other eggs.
Momma hen laid an egg with the chicks, signaling she was done with being a full time mom, so my chicks are by themselves now and Mom is back with the flock. They are 4 weeks old, 5 weeks Thursday. Down to 4 now. The poor chick that walked in circles didn't make it. My ones left, however, seem very energetic and happy. They've gotten over the absence of their mother very well. They're so fluffy already! I have high hopes for them. I have two favorites already. Hope these babies turn out as nice as their parents.

Bad hair day
I never get enough.... so cute
Hi I'm new to byc and I was wondering if red skin in the wattles and comb is a bad feature of a silkie because all of the silkies I have only have a dark comb and wattles.
Momma hen laid an egg with the chicks, signaling she was done with being a full time mom, so my chicks are by themselves now and Mom is back with the flock. They are 4 weeks old, 5 weeks Thursday. Down to 4 now. The poor chick that walked in circles didn't make it. My ones left, however, seem very energetic and happy. They've gotten over the absence of their mother very well. They're so fluffy already! I have high hopes for them. I have two favorites already. Hope these babies turn out as nice as their parents.

Bad hair day
Very cute!
Update on Nori, she is doing good
up and eating a little breakfast. Gave her her meds, she was not a happy camper about it.
Good news!!!
Hi I'm new to byc and I was wondering if red skin in the wattles and comb is a bad feature of a silkie because all of the silkies I have only have a dark comb and wattles.

Yes, red is not the right color comb and wattles for a Silkie. Mulberry almost black is the appropriate color.
Well said!
My first two Silkies! They are too funny.

Enjoy those two cuties while you can because very soon, two won't be enough!! :D

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