Silkie thread!

A coop free of draught is essential . Our winters are no where near as severe as yours. -4.c would be the coldest we've had here. They do tend to huddle together for warmth. My youngsters position themselves on the perch under the roo. Meal worms are ok and mine love scrambled eggs ( when I have excess )
Once a week all of my chooks get boiled pasta drained then stir in a couple of eggs with 2-3 tins of generic sardines in olive oil.
ok cool maybe I will install one of those wall heaters and set it for 32 next winter... thanks for the treat tips.
ok guys here is one of my splash silkies i got last week .. the other has a 6th toe but looks like this one this one has the 5 toes , purple skin doesnt appear to have split wing ( in my uneducated opinion) i dont know if this is a hen or roo its 4 months old .. my youngest son is attempting to show a silkie this year , so whats you guys opinion on this one ( for as good as pics can tell) .. the first one is its tail

Hi, Thanks for the interest. Someone said they were classed as sizzles but I would love to call them slinkies (slick silkies). I am still waiting for the daughters to get big enough to go back in with Daddy dearest. wait a few years and slinkies/ sizzles will be laying blue eggs!
Question about Silkies and Vaulted skulls,

I have a Porcelain chick who isn't doing well. Her skull is very vaulted, and I'm worried that it's becoming more and more vaulted. She also seemed to have trouble with seeing moving objects; her head follows something, then snaps back to there she first saw the object moving, keeps going, then snaps back again and repeats. I've started giving her vitamins, and arnica water. Anything else?
Karen Epperson- remember saying that you wanted my culls? Do I have a doozy for you! Totally not expecting you to take him! I've had this guy for about 3 months. He is the fattest Silkie I think there ever was (mine are all on the thin side). He's fat, grouchy (flogs a little). He doesn't mate. He's old. Don't know how old. He has spurs as long as his toes. AND- the poor thing got totally scalped when he somehow managed to get with another Silkie roo. I'm willing to bet he started it. His name is "Tubbs", but he doesn't care what you call him. This pic is AFTER I cleaned the blood off. He's on antibiotics at the moment, so this doesn't get infected.


The 'before" pic is terrible. Here also is a pic of him with his feathers on his head (he looks like a fat, fluffy vulture now).

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