Silkie thread!

Thanks for the info... I will get some updates, but now, my question is... What is a Sizzle?

A Sizzle is a project breed/variety of Silkie, created by crossing Silkies with Bantam Frizzled Cochins. A Sizzle should be like a Silkie in all ways except feather type - rather than being just silkied, their feathers are frizzled, flat (normal), or frizzled and silkied. While they are not yet a recognized variety, they have come a long way and some lines are 20+ generations in and of very nice quality indeed.
Thank you!!! you are so helpful!! I know I may want a few babies because my friend that breeds them is going more the sizzle and frizzle way like my porcelain and blueish silver one and getting rid of all her smooth silkie feather ones!!! I have enough nesting boxes they can live in them!!! I have 3 stacks of 3 in the coop and 4 in another shed I couldn't keep them out of and two in my covered run!! But you know what I could have one because I go out everyday and there is 10 eggs in one of the top nesting boxes!! I had my husband build a door to put over one of the doors someone said regular chickens would bully my silkies out of the box!!! my regular chickens don't care about the silkies!! they rather have the higher boxes my friend says its because I have always had them all together from babies!!!

That's nice that you can have space to brood chicks. One thing about gentle Silkies that are brooding, is that other assertive hens will muscle their way into the gentle Silkie nest to lay their eggs. I have two Silkies and if one goes broody the other Silkie wants to lay her eggs in the same box with the broody. Why some chickens can be so mean or pushy I don't know. Once you know a Silkie is going broody it would be good to cut her off from other breeds so their eggs don't get deposited into the Silkie nest; otherwise the oddball hen eggs won't hatch the same time as the broody Silkie eggs and there's no need stressing the Silkie sitting on more eggs than she needs to. Put a broody Silkie divided away from other hens, even other Silkies, to keep her nest clear of other hen's depositing their eggs which won't all hatch at the same time. Why some hens muscle their way once they know another hen is broody is puzzling. If the broody is cutoff from food/water access make sure to take her out of the nest at least a couple times daily to eat/drink/exercise/dust-bathe while she's brooding a nest. And don't forget vitamin supplementation too. Show us pics of babies if you hatch any!
It's pretty confusing! And I'm finding that they change every day! The two I have, one is the white and the other is multicolored (tan, rust, a few dark feathers) although they are only a week or so apart in age, the white one is out growing her daily! Do theyou have bantam and full size varieties?
Okay, here are the girls... or, should I say I THINK these are girls! And now I'm told they are Sizzles, not Frizzles, which is fine, they are very sweet and I really enjoy them. I'm just trying to find out more about them. Thanks everyone!!!
That's nice that you can have space to brood chicks. One thing about gentle Silkies that are brooding, is that other assertive hens will muscle their way into the gentle Silkie nest to lay their eggs. I have two Silkies and if one goes broody the other Silkie wants to lay her eggs in the same box with the broody. Why some chickens can be so mean or pushy I don't know. Once you know a Silkie is going broody it would be good to cut her off from other breeds so their eggs don't get deposited into the Silkie nest; otherwise the oddball hen eggs won't hatch the same time as the broody Silkie eggs and there's no need stressing the Silkie sitting on more eggs than she needs to. Put a broody Silkie divided away from other hens, even other Silkies, to keep her nest clear of other hen's depositing their eggs which won't all hatch at the same time. Why some hens muscle their way once they know another hen is broody is puzzling. If the broody is cutoff from food/water access make sure to take her out of the nest at least a couple times daily to eat/drink/exercise/dust-bathe while she's brooding a nest. And don't forget vitamin supplementation too. Show us pics of babies if you hatch any!

I should be able to tell the difference in the silkies egg are cream and my regular chickens eggs are blue and brown!! my friend told me my silkie rooster wouldn't be able to mate with my full size hens!!! Also I started my chickens off on hamster water bottles when they where babies and it was to cold out side!!! do you know when is to cold out side for my chickens to free range??? we put a roof on out 10x25 run and tarps around it to block them in!!! I just don't know when I should start to lock them in??
Wow! She is beautiful! How old is she? How long does it take for them to develop all their feathers? Do you think both of mine are Sizzles, or something else? What do they call the color of my little multi colored one?
One of my 3 silkies turned out to be a boy this morning when I caught him crowing
. He will now have to go to my friends farm(I live right on the city limits line). Should I send him with the other one people have guessed may be a roo or should I keep the non crowers here for now? The only reason I ask is because my older flock of hens is still aggresssive towards my silkies. I have to separate them at night and run out to keep the peace at times when they are free ranging. Will my one lone silkie hen be ok by herself without the other 2? Makes me sad. Any suggestions would be welcome. Here is a pic of my chick in question-most have guessed roo.

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