Silkie thread!

16 weeks old... Roo or pullet?!


16 weeks old... Roo or pullet?!



Based totally on my personal experiences with Silkies, and what I can see in the pictures, I'd say it looks like a rooster. My silkie hens all have fluffy, round crests. The boys have a more "slicked-back" looking crest with "streamer" type feathers. It may just be the angle of the picture, but the first one makes me think roo.

These are both roosters and you can see the way their crests are more slicked back.

This is a hen, who has a more fluffy round crest.

Do you see any feathers coming off the back of the head or neck that are long and streamer-like? That was the first identifying feature my Roos developed. Honestly, there were several that we weren't sure about until they started crowing. It's hard to tell with Silkies!
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That sounds painful! I've had a few chickens somehow chip huge bits off their claws, but they grow back fine, She is SOOOO cute!!!! And that second photo just cracks me up. Is she wet? Those bits of hay on her face... so silkie-like.

Our Partridge seems to be the quiet, dainty, lady-like Silkie. She's never been an aggressive forager.

Our Black Silkie is the OCD, hyper-active, furiously foraging girl, who gets straw, spider-webs, and debris in her "hair" all the time and the 3rd missing toe doesn't slow her down!

The Partridge is molting here, the Black is her usual busy foraging self with 21/2 toes showing on her one foot

It's not surprising to find the Black Silkie w/ debris in her "hair" - she rarely stands still.


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