Silkie thread!



This is my silkie roo Boo. He has the round poofy head but you can see his streamers sticking out. I'm really curious about his feather coloring. I haven't seen anything like it before. His hackle feathers are tipped in a cream/yellow and some of the feathers in his back. It's almost like someone dumped bleach on him lol


This is my silkie roo Boo. He has the round poofy head but you can see his streamers sticking out. I'm really curious about his feather coloring. I haven't seen anything like it before. His hackle feathers are tipped in a cream/yellow and some of the feathers in his back. It's almost like someone dumped bleach on him lol

He looks totally AWESOME!!!
he really is adorable. I wasn't going to keep any Roos out of the eggs that hatched but he was SO cute. He hasn't been able to mount the hens yet though. They are all big girls except for my one silkie hen. He really likes my big fluffy Orpington but she's not interested lol
I got a new boy today. He is amazing, he stepped in & took the lead. Got everyone in the coop except for my Spoiled Brat Queenie, she gave him an ear full (she sleeps with me)but it was so funny watching him try to get her in the coop...
She got in my lap & he flew up on my shoulder
Thank You. Your boy is a keeper, I'm glad you did. I have 1 that has leakage buff highlights on black. He looks like he just stepped out of the 90s LOL
I think they are more special because they are an original, can't be copied.
I have a small prefab coop that was given to me before I knew anything about chickens. . My coop is pretty tiny only 40"x 40" but they all sleep huddled together in a corner or one of the 3 nesting boxes. The run is 3.5'x12' and then we fenced in a 21'x18' area that I let them roam in for a few hours a day when I'm home. .. I have 3 bantam mixes and 1 silkie... Do you think I can fit a 5th so my silkie can have a friend?!


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Here's the chicken they told me it was a one year old hen, she is supper sweet!

Silkies are the sweetest! So glad you love your sweetie! I would like to suggest you train adults and children alike to pick up chickens using the "judge's hold" to prevent handling the reproductive sides of the hens. Pressing on the reproductive sides causes people to squeeze on the sides harder when the chicken squirms or flaps but the judge's hold works well to prevent this -- it takes some practice but a much safer way of handling hens. With our Silkies, we scoop them from the front breast with their legs held by the fingers of the one hand and we hold the top wings down with the other hand and hold the bird lightly/gently against our torso for them to feel secure -- their sides are never touched/handled. After handling the Silkies in the judge's hold a lot eventually we could just pick them up from under their breast holding their legs lightly and don't have to hold down their wings any more now that they are comfortable and feel secure with our handling them this way. The trust doesn't happen immediately and may have to handle the birds often to get accustomed to the judge's hold. This is just one demonstration of a judge's hold and there are many other youtube videos where even the 4-H kids are all holding their birds this way.
(very last bottom picture of page show's Ohiki judge's hold)

I have a small prefab coop that was given to me before I knew anything about chickens. . My coop is pretty tiny only 40"x 40" but they all sleep huddled together in a corner or one of the 3 nesting boxes. The run is 3.5'x12' and then we fenced in a 21'x18' area that I let them roam in for a few hours a day when I'm home. .. I have 3 bantam mixes and 1 silkie... Do you think I can fit a 5th so my silkie can have a friend?!

Besides the necessity of providing 1 sq ft of open coop ventilation (no drafts on perch) per each chicken, there should be 4 sq ft of coop floor space per bird and minimum 10 sq ft per bird of open run/pen foraging space -- chickens poop a lot whether bantams or large fowl so just because birds can be squeezed into a small coop doesn't mean it will be healthy for them with poop/ammonia fume build-up. These stated measurements are bare minimum requirement measurement allotments for good health and good flock temperament. I have 3 birds at the moment in a 4x4 coop, 4x8 run, plus free-range them, and they poop a LOT for only 3 birds -- 2 Silkies at 2-lbs each and 1 Breda at 4 lbs! They can poop an awful lot in just one day. So how many birds can be squeezed into a coop is not the measurement guide but how many square feet is allotted to each bird inside the coop/run for health and good flock temperament is the key.


This is my silkie roo Boo. He has the round poofy head but you can see his streamers sticking out. I'm really curious about his feather coloring. I haven't seen anything like it before. His hackle feathers are tipped in a cream/yellow and some of the feathers in his back. It's almost like someone dumped bleach on him lol

Looks to me like a ' sizzle ' . The colour is more leakage than an established ' true ' colour.

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