Silkie thread!


Here's a better comb pic. No lumps or bumps...just a straight line
Too early. I can't even usually tell at that age on my partridge and the cockerels become different colors than the pullets
Can you wing sex these little guys when they are 2 days old? I looked when I got it and it had 2 distinct length of feathers instead of all one length.
13 weeks old. He's just barely got streamers coming in. Comb is just a small bump still and doesn't start getting bigger until around 7 months in this line. Same for the crowing thankfully.

He's a sweetheart, but was unhappy with me since I put wet food in the pen and took him out. I'd put the pullets who are 10 weeks older in there a few weeks ago. All the girls get along great now, but he feels that if you aren't part of his hatch, you can eat last. He enforces it, too. So he got to eat last today.

Was out earlier today getting pictures before it rains again. The teenagers are getting so big. I have to let them get their supervised free range before I let out the large fowl hens. The big girls like to go steal the silkies' food.


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