Silkie thread!

here are my silkies i got a while ago. a white and a partridge correct my if I'm wrong. i bought them as a pair to breed. i soon found out the white had bad leg but wasn't too worried and then my pullet matured into a beautiful cockerel. I'll have too post some more resent pics of the partridge. on a side note any one know of any SQ silkie hens in my

area, i live in sackville nb.
ive in sackville nb near
Hello and welcome to the Silkie thread. You have a nice girl there, and you are right - your White pullet matured into a cockerel. I would not use him for breeding, his comb is much too red. Also, you won't want to cross White and Partridge, you don't know what color you will get.
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Haha that's so cute =D My cats are good with my chickens too. My babies are all in an open brooder in the basement with my cats and they don't bother them at all. Even the day olds =)
That is unbelievable! My cats usually just cuddle up with the chickens I bring inside but this time the cat decided to play. So glad they don't try to eat any of your chickens!
A 4ftx4ft area should be okay for 4 silkie chicks right? The chicks are inside about 2wks old and have to be inside til there bigger or almost full grown so I can intergrade them into my flock of two. They are inside until they gt more adult feathering..or fluffing lol then they free range in front yard away from other,chickens
Hi guys. I have a problem. So, some of you may remember that I treated for cocci a month or so ago. probably almost 2 months, can't remember exactly.

Well, the new chicks are about 3 weeks old maybe? (the youngest one anyways) well, the youngest one is pooping blood. I dont' want to have to medicate the entire flock again. Is there a way that I can just give her some corid water each day? can that be done at all? what should I do?
Hi guys.  I have a problem.  So, some of you may remember that I treated for cocci a month or so ago.  probably almost 2 months, can't remember exactly.

Well, the new chicks are about 3 weeks old maybe? (the youngest one anyways)  well, the youngest one is pooping blood.  I dont' want to have to medicate the entire flock again.  Is there a way that I can just give her some corid water each day?  can that be done at all?  what should I do?

I would treat all the three week old ones. Remember it can kill and do damage fast.
It's not going to hurt to run some Corid thru them, some people give a preventive does to young ones even if they don't see any signs of it.
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I would treat all the three week old ones. Remember it can kill and do damage fast.
It's not going to hurt to run some Corid thru them, some people give a preventive does to young ones even if they don't see any signs of it.
But they're in with all the adults. Should I really give it to all the adults again? I mean, I don't really want to. I know they say it won't hurt, but doesn't that hurt them trying to build up their own immunity to it, if I keep medicating?
But they're in with all the adults.  Should I really give it to all the adults again?  I mean, I don't really want to.  I know they say it won't hurt, but doesn't that hurt them trying to build up their own immunity to it, if I keep medicating?

Can u fence off the young ones just during treatment time?

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