Silkie thread!


Thanks I am so happy about it. I can't stop smiling. It's like the day I told my H I wanted a few hens and he said to "Go for it" It's like Christmas!

Does Juliet look young in the pic?

Do any of you have just 1 silkie?? Do they need a same breed buddy?
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Possible Splash Silkie? These are some of her new feathers. They are grayish and have some black.


I have a friend looking for Frizzled Silkies, pet or breeder quality. For her small Flock. She lives in New Jersey, can anyone recommend someone on the east coast or close to Jersey that might have some? she is hoping to find Buff. please message me if you know of anyone :) Thanks!!
Hello everyone! I need help figuring out what color my Silkie chicks are turning out to be. I purchased these eggs as white, black, blue, and splash eggs. Some chicks hatched out silver to dark silver colored and others hatched out white. I thought that these silvery chicks would turn out to be blue or splash... well, they're now 6 weeks old and have feathered out completely white. They are indistinguishable from the white ones now. Are these silver-born chicks really just white? Why the difference in color when they were hatched? Thanks!

Some pictures to see the difference in color when they were hatched.

Hello everyone! I need help figuring out what color my Silkie chicks are turning out to be. I purchased these eggs as white, black, blue, and splash eggs. Some chicks hatched out silver to dark silver colored and others hatched out white. I thought that these silvery chicks would turn out to be blue or splash... well, they're now 6 weeks old and have feathered out completely white. They are indistinguishable from the white ones now. Are these silver-born chicks really just white? Why the difference in color when they were hatched? Thanks! Some pictures to see the difference in color when they were hatched.
Could be silver gene whites. They are grey at hatch. They will be a brighter, cleaner white than the yellowish chicks

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