Silkie thread!

You only got one Silkie?  Or do you have other chicks for it to grow up around?

Wouldn't it be novel for someone who had a Silkie to actually give it "Silkie" as its name?  Goes for either boy or girl.
well we have two chicks but the other one is my brothers I think I want to name mine an Indian name
It always bothers me when I see people advertising eggs or chicks as ' show quality '. Just because the parent stock got a handful of ribbons at a local show, that is no guarantee of quality. Inbreeding or line breeding could throw a spanner in the works.

Yeah, I wasn't really expecting a lot. I saw pics of all of her birds and they were beautiful. I just wanted something that I could work with. I find it pretty difficult to find good quality stock locally and waiting for the next swap is sooooo hard. I still have two of the chicks from that hatch, the one pictured and a horribly feathered red roo with a twisted beak that I've named "Grimace". I don't really feel like I can rehome him, not in good conscience, but he's kept far away from my ladies. My Silkie odyssey has been ongoing for a few years now. It seems just when I get the stock that I want, something horrible happens to set me back another year (or two). Up until now, I have been completely against the idea of having birds shipped (terrified at the thought might be a better description), but I am beginning to think that it's my only option. Though I suppose hawks like shipped birds just as much...sigh
I did a search and couldnt seem to find a silkie thread so i thought i would start one... I am getting a pretty good show quality silkie on friday.

Here is one of my old silkie hens. (i believe she was either partridge or silver...) R.I.P.



Hopefully i will have better luck with my new white silkie. I am hoping  she really is good quality because i plan on showing her..

This is what she is going to looks like: (its a horrible pic and no she doesnt have red skin)

Now lets see your silkies!!!!!
I am right outside of Memphis TN and looking for Silkies
Yeah, I wasn't really expecting a lot.  I saw pics of all of her birds and they were beautiful.  I just wanted something that I could work with.  I find it pretty difficult to find good quality stock locally and waiting for the next swap is sooooo hard.  I still have two of the chicks from that hatch, the one pictured and a horribly feathered red roo with a twisted beak that I've named "Grimace".  I don't really feel like I can rehome him, not in good conscience, but he's kept far away from my ladies.  My Silkie odyssey has been ongoing for a few years now.  It seems just when I get the stock that I want, something horrible happens to set me back another year (or two).  Up until now, I have been completely against the idea of having birds shipped (terrified at the thought might be a better description), but I am beginning to think that it's my only option.  Though I suppose hawks like shipped birds just as much...sigh

Cross beak is not very pretty but easily managed. You are correct in not breeding him as it's not something you want to take your chances with.
Perhaps you will have more luck finding birds here through the BYC community. :)
Cross beak is not very pretty but easily managed. You are correct in not breeding him as it's not something you want to take your chances with.
Perhaps you will have more luck finding birds here through the BYC community.
It's not so much cross-beak, I don't think. His entire beak is twisted to one side. When he is looking north, his beak (both upper and lower madibles) is pointing west. I'm half inclided to think it was due to incubation issues, but even if his beak were perfect he still isn't a breeder (nor is he a color that I can use).
I have been watching your story unfold. I have been working on your situation. though I have remained silent until now. Do you massage her neck, and body? let me know what you find. my gut is actually pulling me to her neck, and legs themselves. I am very curious about her legs. I would like to see them would you please post pictures. from as many angles as you can in natural and forced flexed positions. I have a theory and want to see if i can help. you might have just enough time, and still make it to be with your family. if it is what I think it might be. remember tube feeding can weaken the muscles.

This leg don't always point out like this. I leaned her backwards

This is from the back

I noticed last night that it seems that either her right side of her head is sensitive or her right ear. She has been scratching that side with her foot but I thought it was just because she was trying to make my hand move while feeding her. While she is in my lap I have her pointing towards my right side so her fight side is facing me and use my right hand to feed her so I don't send the food and water to her left side. My thumb is usually by her ear. I use my index finger and thumb to open her beak. Most of the time I just touch it and she opens it on her own ike a little bird being fed by momma

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