Silkie thread!

OH MY GOODNESS SHE IS SO GORGEOUS!!!! And I bet she is even prettier in person, too!!!!

Thank you Lil Peeps!
Thanks everyone for your input. I don't think she's a porcelain...but I love her whatever she is! Here's a picture of my partridge hen, Mr. Feathers.
There's a breeder on the Silkie Facebook page that I'm on that has birds like this. She calls them red pyle. Not an accepted variety, but gorgeous!

It's not porcelain, that has lavender, not white.

Red Pyle? Never heard of that! But sounds interesting.
Edit: I looked up 'red Pyle Silkie' on google images, you all should check them out!
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Anybody know where I could get some cheap silkie hatching eggs? I need them shipped unless located in central OK.
idk about hatching eggs but there are day old silkie chicks at the McMurray Hatchery that you can order. But the minimum order is 15. They are located in Iowa
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Anybody know where I could get some cheap silkie hatching eggs? I need them shipped unless located in central OK.

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as cheap hatching eggs. If you order eggs and they don't hatch, would you still consider them cheap? If you pay a little more for chicks, they arrive to you safely, would you consider that money well spent? I would. I've ordered plenty of hatching eggs and have ended up with nothing for my time, effort and money. Shipped eggs aren't for the faint of heart, and they typically aren't inexpensive. I'd definitely recommend just going forward with ordering yourself some already hatched chicks. Most breeders/hatcheries will at least replace or refund for lost chicks. However, they will not (typically) do anything for eggs that don't hatch. And its money down the drain. Just some thoughts...

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