Silkie thread!

i am starting to feel like all my $2.00 discount chicks are going to be white!!!

This is what I mean on getting them up off the ground if you can't get down to their level. She's eye level to me in this. Makes it easier to take a good picture and they will sit there and look for a way down since most of them know they can't fly. Moved her over a tree, stepped back, and focused out to get some of the willow tree. She's 6 feet off the ground because that's where the good branch was. Not nearly so high in this one. Probably about 4 feet. But then I wasn't standing in a foot of water to take this either Ability and willingness to get down to their level when they are on the ground makes for much better angles. And then I get photobombed by the chicken police That's not a joke. The dog follows and if a chicken is on the ground, she's guarding it. I come away from these with soaking wet knees and elbows a lot. I can't wait until it dries out so I can get some more with them on the ground.
Now that I know the tricks to getting great pictures I will need to try taking some of mine when it gets warm and sunny. I can't keep a dust bath dry in the winter with all the rain so now I need to get it set up so it is ready for the occasional dry day. This is the first year we have used wood chips for the Silkies to keep them drier and it helps but it also covered over the dirt except for some patches under their coop. Now that the first layer of wood chips had settled over the winter we can add the rest and set up the dust bath in a shelter made out of a square compost bin. It has two doors at ground level so it works well to give them a covered area that is vented for airflow. I could give them baths too but they tend to fluff up pretty good on their own.
I'm looking for silkie breeders , I don't mind them being shipped but the closer to me the better it will be on the
. I also know they are very hard to sex as chicks but ideally I'd like hens maybe 1 roo. I'm am looking to buy a white, painted, gray/ blue, black, and maybe one or to multiple colored. I'm located in south Ga near the Florida and Alabama state lines.
Now that I know the tricks to getting great pictures I will need to try taking some of mine when it gets warm and sunny. I can't keep a dust bath dry in the winter with all the rain so now I need to get it set up so it is ready for the occasional dry day. This is the first year we have used wood chips for the Silkies to keep them drier and it helps but it also covered over the dirt except for some patches under their coop. Now that the first layer of wood chips had settled over the winter we can add the rest and set up the dust bath in a shelter made out of a square compost bin. It has two doors at ground level so it works well to give them a covered area that is vented for airflow. I could give them baths too but they tend to fluff up pretty good on their own.

I meant to reply to your post, where are you located and how many silkies do you have for sale and what colors?
I've not seen one spotted buff like that before. It's very interesting. We keep paint which have spots when they are little but they are white with black spots.

I have mystery silkies I guess. Haha
I've never even heard of spotted buffs. Can't wait to see how it gets its feathers in over the next could weeks

I don't care all that much what they end up looking like they're all gorgeous to me as long as they are female. :D
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