Silkie thread!

Hi I just got my first white silkie.
She(we are pretty sure it's a girl) is anywhere from 8 to 16 weeks. How can I tell the approximite age? I'll post pictures later.
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I would start with what you are doing but adding additional nutrition for him. How long has he been like like this? If there are no other symptoms or signs of injury, it could very well be a nutritional deficiency. Sometimes roosters don't eat as well as they should. They let the hens eat first. Hope he gets better for you!
He has been "down" for 3 days now and I noticed he stopped roosting about 3 weeks ago. It only accelerated quickly within the last week from being a little wobbly to being down on his legs.

I sat and watched him in the coop today and he wobbles back and forth and kind of scoots his legs lick he wants to walk, but he can't hold himself up. He was also shaking his head quite a bit but I can't tell if that's because he keeps getting shavings in his face, he's having trouble preening, or if that's a symptom as well.

No obvious signs of injury, he only lives with one hen, and those are the only symptoms I noticed. He crows from his spot and is eating and drinking ok, but has been less interested since his only coopmate has been sitting on eggs for the past 18 days. He flaps his wings and from what I can tell they don't look droopy aside from the normal "blech it's hot" stance. Poop looked normal as well.
I have a question. I have two silkies who will not sleep in the coop, they sleep outside it ,with their heads under it. We put them in it every night and they still will not go in on their own . Is this normal?
He has been "down" for 3 days now and I noticed he stopped roosting about 3 weeks ago. It only accelerated quickly within the last week from being a little wobbly to being down on his legs.

I sat and watched him in the coop today and he wobbles back and forth and kind of scoots his legs lick he wants to walk, but he can't hold himself up. He was also shaking his head quite a bit but I can't tell if that's because he keeps getting shavings in his face, he's having trouble preening, or if that's a symptom as well.

No obvious signs of injury, he only lives with one hen, and those are the only symptoms I noticed. He crows from his spot and is eating and drinking ok, but has been less interested since his only coopmate has been sitting on eggs for the past 18 days. He flaps his wings and from what I can tell they don't look droopy aside from the normal "blech it's hot" stance. Poop looked normal as well.

Did you also check for lice and or mites? They can knock them down pretty quickly. The reason I ask is because of the head shaking.
Ok, I have another what color is this silkie post. This is the first one to pop out like this and it looks like I might have a younger one that could be the same color. She has blue underfluff with more of a gold color. She is about 3 1/2 months old.

I can't see if she has any pencilling or not. If so she's likely a blue partridge. I love the color!!
I have a question. I have two silkies who will not sleep in the coop, they sleep outside it ,with their heads under it. We put them in it every night and they still will not go in on their own . Is this normal?
Many silkies don't like the dark as they can't see as well as other chickens because of their crests. Trying putting a solar light in there at night. It worked for me. :) Love those angelic whites!
He has been "down" for 3 days now and I noticed he stopped roosting about 3 weeks ago. It only accelerated quickly within the last week from being a little wobbly to being down on his legs.

I sat and watched him in the coop today and he wobbles back and forth and kind of scoots his legs lick he wants to walk, but he can't hold himself up. He was also shaking his head quite a bit but I can't tell if that's because he keeps getting shavings in his face, he's having trouble preening, or if that's a symptom as well.

No obvious signs of injury, he only lives with one hen, and those are the only symptoms I noticed. He crows from his spot and is eating and drinking ok, but has been less interested since his only coopmate has been sitting on eggs for the past 18 days. He flaps his wings and from what I can tell they don't look droopy aside from the normal "blech it's hot" stance. Poop looked normal as well.
You might even try some guinea pig vitamin supplements - When we kept them they got their vitamin D throught their feed using a $6 dropper with stuff in it. Could help.

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