Silkie thread!

Woke up this morning to him crowing inside the house, haha. He's still propped up and is a little confused as to why he's not in his coop.

Now to answer all the questions:
I looked him over really well yesterday, as he's had lice before and I wanted to make sure it wasn't that again.

He was wormed with all of my birds almost 6 months ago, but he hasn't showed signs of wasting, and he is not shedding any worms so I don't think that's it. Worms aren't generally a problem anyway unless the animal is immunocompromised or the worm load becomes extremely which you'd start seeing adults in the feces. Everything has worms if it lives outside, for the most part.

He was on layer feed along with my hen, with scratch tossed into the run as a snack. He is not allowed time out of the coop/run though unless supervised, because we have hawks in the area.

He is one year old this month! And yes he does have a vaulted skull, as when he was a chick he had a little bump on his head. I doubt Violet would have pecked him though, because she doesn't even peck me! She's extremely sweet and laid back, even as a broody. I could see him bumping his head on something else though.

Since he's been in the crate I haven't noticed the head shaking.

NewtoFarming: do you have a picture of how the donut worked? I'm just having a little trouble imagining it.
Woke up this morning to him crowing inside the house, haha. He's still propped up and is a little confused as to why he's not in his coop.

Now to answer all the questions:
I looked him over really well yesterday, as he's had lice before and I wanted to make sure it wasn't that again.

He was wormed with all of my birds almost 6 months ago, but he hasn't showed signs of wasting, and he is not shedding any worms so I don't think that's it. Worms aren't generally a problem anyway unless the animal is immunocompromised or the worm load becomes extremely which you'd start seeing adults in the feces. Everything has worms if it lives outside, for the most part.

He was on layer feed along with my hen, with scratch tossed into the run as a snack. He is not allowed time out of the coop/run though unless supervised, because we have hawks in the area.

He is one year old this month! And yes he does have a vaulted skull, as when he was a chick he had a little bump on his head. I doubt Violet would have pecked him though, because she doesn't even peck me! She's extremely sweet and laid back, even as a broody. I could see him bumping his head on something else though.

Since he's been in the crate I haven't noticed the head shaking.

NewtoFarming: do you have a picture of how the donut worked? I'm just having a little trouble imagining it.

I did find a few old pictures of Sugar in her doughnut. I am not sure how well you can see it to get a good idea. If not, I will just make another one when I get back from the store and upload a picture. I do miss that girl! Sugar was the sweetest thing and would hobble over to snuggle with me. Poor girl! The vet I took her to could not give a definite answer as to what had happened to her and did a necropsy and it was not Mareks. She was a silkie/leghorn mix.

Woke up this morning to him crowing inside the house, haha. He's still propped up and is a little confused as to why he's not in his coop.

Now to answer all the questions:
I looked him over really well yesterday, as he's had lice before and I wanted to make sure it wasn't that again.

He was wormed with all of my birds almost 6 months ago, but he hasn't showed signs of wasting, and he is not shedding any worms so I don't think that's it. Worms aren't generally a problem anyway unless the animal is immunocompromised or the worm load becomes extremely which you'd start seeing adults in the feces. Everything has worms if it lives outside, for the most part.

He was on layer feed along with my hen, with scratch tossed into the run as a snack. He is not allowed time out of the coop/run though unless supervised, because we have hawks in the area.

He is one year old this month! And yes he does have a vaulted skull, as when he was a chick he had a little bump on his head. I doubt Violet would have pecked him though, because she doesn't even peck me! She's extremely sweet and laid back, even as a broody. I could see him bumping his head on something else though.

Since he's been in the crate I haven't noticed the head shaking.

NewtoFarming: do you have a picture of how the donut worked? I'm just having a little trouble imagining it.
Roosters should not be eating Layer feed as the calcium is to high for their system and can lead to kidney failure.
Roosters should not be eating Layer feed as the calcium is to high for their system and can lead to kidney failure.
How are you going to stop them from eating layer feed? Just curious! All of my chickens get layer feed. The roosters are in there with them. What do you feed your roosters instead? Do you keep your roosters separate at all times? Do you do AI instead? Just find this really interesting! I googled it really quick-- found this: Looks like there is definitely some truth to this fact, but probably not a big worry for the most part. Would love to know what everyone else does!
How are you going to stop them from eating layer feed? Just curious! All of my chickens get layer feed. The roosters are in there with them. What do you feed your roosters instead? Do you keep your roosters separate at all times? Do you do AI instead? Just find this really interesting! I googled it really quick-- found this: Looks like there is definitely some truth to this fact, but probably not a big worry for the most part. Would love to know what everyone else does!
I feed flock grower with oyster shell as a side dish hoping the roos won't eat anything they don't need. I never see them eat it but I never see the girls eat it either, but it does eventually disappear.

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