So I've been reading that some pecking is normal, it establishes the "pecking order" so when I put some 3 day olds into the brooder with my 1-4 week olds I expected some pecking but I'm starting to worry my silkie is a bully! Last Saturday I put 3 1-week olds in there with my easter egger and silkie and none of them have any issues! Then I add 2 3-day old white chantclers and 1 3-day old cream legbar and my EE occasionally pecks them but nothing bad, same with my black copper marans.. but my silkie! My sweetest chicken who seemed to be the most submissive of all I think he's bullying them!! And I think she's a he now because of this! He won't let the 3 day olds near the others he puts himself between them and puffs up and pecks them hard enough to make them chirp, half the time when their asleep he'll walk over and give them a peck to wake them up, he wasn't letting them eat or drink I had to add food all over the brooder so he had no control over it.. this morning I'm installing a new light and putting them in their own brooder to keep them safe from him! So my questions are 1) will he learn to love them? 2) does this behaviour signify rooster?