Silkied Ameraucana Project

Whoot! Congrats!!!!!!!! Hope they all bust out for you!

I'm being good and trying to forget mine. Not due til late tonight and last go round were right on the dot with the first and more over night. I did break down and put a mist-r bottle right by the incy so if and when I do open it - spritz spritz to replace the lost humidity.

but I'm really really trying to stay out....
OK, all  important question, have you calibrated your hygrometer?  Here's why, they lie.  The built in on my digital incy is off by 20%+,  Think eggs need to loose 15% weight for chicks to have room to turn and hatch. If yours read that low and still didn't decrease much - thinking your's is lying to you too.  Those walmart $8 square jobs with hi-lo  daily temp and humidity are close enough on humidity I've found.  Temp may be off by as much as 6degrees - but once you get a good reading you can translate

This is spring.  It's humid.  Unless you're in the desert should have plenty of humidity to not need to add ANY water during incubation. Really important with pullet eggs as they tend to be smaller anyway.  plus, if it's off that much during incubation - and reading 75% at lock down .....   Sorry, I've just gotten badly burned by trusting digitals so always double or triple check them. Always.

Yep...I tested it right before I put this set of eggs in. It reads about 5-7% low, and the thermometer on it is about 1.5* too high. But I still use it because it has a remote base station that I set on my counter-top so that I can look at it 50 times a day. I've also got four thermometers in there, but who's counting? :eek:

Also, you should calibrate your hygrometer FREQUENTLY, not just "once and forget it" as they change accuracy over time....
Good luck on all your hatches, it can be hard staying hands off.

Getting supplies to fix a security issue in the 13'x26' barn stall "grow out pen" and then my oldest chicks will finally be happy to have room again (stuffed in brooder space for now). Charlie Cat let me know about it by sneaking in for a snack...of chick food. That cat is weird.
Yep...I tested it right before I put this set of eggs in. It reads about 5-7% low, and the thermometer on it is about 1.5* too high. But I still use it because it has a remote base station that I set on my counter-top so that I can look at it 50 times a day. I've also got four thermometers in there, but who's counting?

Also, you should calibrate your hygrometer FREQUENTLY, not just "once and forget it" as they change accuracy over time....

LOL! 50 times a day? Would drive me crazy!!! (yeah, yeah - real short trip) but I'm setting/htchng like twice a week sometimes.

Ohhh TG kitty is into chick food and not chicks for food! I just got a bunch into a new grow out pen this last weekend. 2 levels in the brooder going into a hoop coop to start growing out this weekend - supposed to FINiallY get a dry streak. Glad we aren't getting what TX is getting but ENOUGH all ready with the wet! Bunch of silkied SiAms and some nice orp babies - including a blue jubie cockerel - whoot! It;s covered in that silver bubble wrap insulation so no worries about the lil dummies not having sense to come in out of the rain. I need to build some more - really like them. no clean out - just omove. Uncover, hose down and let the sun do it's thing in between batches of chicks. Really like them.
Update: quick peek this morning and 5 are out, another is zipped all the way around, and at least one more pip!

Of the five that are out, I can only see four--3 Lav and one black. Everyone looks healthy! I've been good....still haven't opened the bator.
FAB!!!!! Just the one out of my hatch so far. But that's one. No pips tho on the others - man I'd sure feel bettr if there were more action. Arrrghhhhh! have a whole drawer full of my own eggs due to hatch tomorrow - looks like I'm going to have to throw together another hatcher to put them in or they'll be swarming the bator and I don't want that.

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