Silkies, gender indication at this age?


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2015
No ones crowning, and I am by far no expert, these are my first silkies, but to me it looks like 2 roos, 2 pullets? Same age, bought from the same batch at TSC as mixed run bantams

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Based on the size and redness of their combs, I'm leaning toward cockerels on chicks 1 & 2, and pullets on chicks 3 & 4, but they are still very young yet, and I would suggest posting their pics again in about a month.
Two of them have also been chest bumping a lot, I think it was the first two. is there a chance with that big of a comb and the redness that they could still be pullets? We cant have roos here in the city and I'd need to rehome any roos

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