Silkies Of A Different Color

This little cutie above here--would you say he/she is a calico? Has the red bleed through on the wings but a dark head. Might just be a mix chick but he/she is adorable.

And what colour is this one- silver? Silver Partridge? A mutt mix? Another really pretty bird...

This last one I would call Blue-red in a different breed so I think that's what she is, right? Pretty sure this one is a female based on plumage...


Hi all, was given this beautiful little guy recently and having had very little to do with silkies I have never see anything like him before. What colour is he? I can't tell whether he is blue or splash or something else all together
Just an update on my babies. Goes to show you really can't tell sometimes what color a chic will end up. Here is Dandelion. I still don't know what color she is. She's kind of colored like a

porcelain but instead of the expected lavender and buff shades, she's a soft dandelion yellow and blue over a white undercoat.

13 weeks

What color would you call her?
Just an update on my babies. Goes to show you really can't tell sometimes what color a chic will end up. Here is Dandelion. I still don't know what color she is. She's kind of colored like a porcelain but instead of the expected lavender and buff shades, she's a soft dandelion yellow and blue over a white undercoat. f 13 weeks What color would you call her?
She is beautiful! Her crest got really round! I'm trying to figure out if mine are boys or girls. I was thinking Cockrells because mine have longer fuzz coming out of their crest in the back like your second picture, but they're still young. When do the true "streamers" become obvious?
Naliez: I was wondering about streamers at first too. This batch of mine is now 3 months old and the true streamers have started showing in the past week or so in my roosters. I understand it may vary in age depending on the line. But at 2 months, my silkies were uneven crest length as their crests were rapidly filling in and I really could not tell if they had streamers or not. Now I can see streamers largely in the back instead of all over

Dandelion is in the bottom middle and the chick above her is an obvious rooster with streamers. They are from the same hatch. Below is also a roo - a little less obvious- but still has streamers.

Hope this helps. You can also look at combs- reddening or getting larger than the rest of the hatchmates- although not as obvious in silkies as other breeds or look at the chick above- see his neck feathers are starting to look at bit more like a rooster neck?. Stance- as in standing up straighter or playfighting - can also be clues. Did you decide what Slimy Bob is yet?
Naliez: I was wondering about streamers at first too. This batch of mine is now 3 months old and the true streamers have started showing in the past week or so in my roosters. I understand it may vary in age depending on the line. But at 2 months, my silkies were uneven crest length as their crests were rapidly filling in and I really could not tell if they had streamers or not. Now I can see streamers largely in the back instead of all over Dandelion is in the bottom middle and the chick above her is an obvious rooster with streamers. They are from the same hatch. Below is also a roo - a little less obvious- but still has streamers. Hope this helps. You can also look at combs- reddening or getting larger than the rest of the hatchmates- although not as obvious in silkies as other breeds or look at the chick above- see his neck feathers are starting to look at bit more like a rooster neck?. Stance- as in standing up straighter or playfighting - can also be clues. Did you decide what Slimy Bob is yet?
I LOVE the color on that roo! And yes, it does help. Thank you! Slimy Bob has what looks like a small, black, single comb, which none of the others have, but he looks like somebody put an ostrich head on a tank AND he has little waddles already, so I'm pretty sure he'll keep the name. He's my absolute fav chicken ever. He's totally calm about being handled and always runs up to me. Also, he is the only one who doesn't peck me and when he eats out of my hand, he's very gentle, not like the other little jackhammers! Lol
Hey there - can anybody help me out with this guy? Not Silkie, but Sizzle. I think several generation bird at least though, he's got the crest/beard/dark skin, etc., only real flaw is I think he may not have enough cushion (???) and he's only got a grand total of 9 toes, not 10. Came into my boss's care a few months back. He's still not sure whether or not he wants to keep him; we're trying to determine exactly what he is! Any guesses as to color?

Also (not technically the right thread but if anyone can confirm I'd love to know) Sizzles are not an APA accepted breed, so if shown, the best they can achieve right now is Best of Variety? If he is more of a mix of colors than anything, would that still be showable? (I'm assuming not...)

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