Silkies Of A Different Color

He could actually be a dilute splash, if he was from splash background. Splashes bred to splashes will produce more and more dilute splashes after a couple or so generations.
Here they are as babies 5 cockerels and 1 partridge pullet. They are from a dark porcelain cock bird and 3 white hens.

Here are 4 of the cockerels a little older... well 3 1/2 of them.

Here is a closer look at one of the youngsters (the one in the foreground in the above picture)

This is the same bird. I guess he was the most interesting colored of the bunch.

Here is another of the interesting colored ones a little bit older.

Here is another interesting colored one from the same cock bird, but with a different white hen. I almost kept this one because he was so pretty and he had the best temperament of all his siblings.

I wanted to keep them all... they were so friendly and got along great together in a bachelor pen. I enjoyed sitting in the pen with them giving them bits of scratch while I had my morning coffee.
Just wanted to post these up somewhere before I deleted them from my camera
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Thank you for posting those pictures, Adorkable. That was enormously helpful. I've got a 10 week old cockerel with barred wings like yours, very similar over all in fact, and I was wondering what he was going to end up looking like. I have never seen a silkie with cuckoo on wings only until I was yours. Gorgeous bird. I hope mine comes out half as well.
Thank you for posting those pictures, Adorkable. That was enormously helpful. I've got a 10 week old cockerel with barred wings like yours, very similar over all in fact, and I was wondering what he was going to end up looking like. I have never seen a silkie with cuckoo on wings only until I was yours. Gorgeous bird. I hope mine comes out half as well.

You're welcome. Hope your little one turns out nice!
Take a stab at this one, anyone? To me it almost looks like Lemon Blue- but it's a male so I don't know if it's an actual colour, or just random genetics. He's pretty though and he's coming to my house.

Slimy Bob is so beautiful lol

Such fun to see your chickies grow. That "I think I will get feathers but every one will be different length and the fluff will half fall out and look raggedy" " stage will pass . None are as pretty as they will be in a month or two. I'm going to go out on a limb and show you what I think Slimy Bob will look like in a few months. I think might be a gray. Gray partridge with black and white on wings. This is my baby who was an off whitish color with some dark taupe when a baby. Somehow I think Bob will end up a similar color.
or possibly a bit darker like this one. Red/buff leakage optional. I'm pretty sure this one is a boy and is 10 week in the photo

or could be even darker. dark headed or light headed, who know yet?


Those are beautiful! I think you're right about how he'll look. His head was yellow, the rest of him was grey and white as down.
Here they are as babies 5 cockerels and 1 partridge pullet. They are from a dark porcelain cock bird and 3 white hens.

Here are 4 of the cockerels a little older... well 3 1/2 of them.

Here is a closer look at one of the youngsters (the one in the foreground in the above picture)

This is the same bird. I guess he was the most interesting colored of the bunch.

Here is another of the interesting colored ones a little bit older.

Here is another interesting colored one from the same cock bird, but with a different white hen. I almost kept this one because he was so pretty and he had the best temperament of all his siblings.

I wanted to keep them all... they were so friendly and got along great together in a bachelor pen. I enjoyed sitting in the pen with them giving them bits of scratch while I had my morning coffee.
Just wanted to post these up somewhere before I deleted them from my camera

This is my guy at 8 weeks. I think he look a lot like your favorite above. My big question was was it possible to be cuckoo on just parts of the rooster and not all over? I had never seen
that before and was wondering- now I know. Based on those pictures I guess I can expect him to darken and redden up quite a bit.

@jas humbert I didn't keep this one to full maturity, but I kept him till 5-6 months and his wings had a few feathers that appeared to be barred.

your youngster is pretty!

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