Silkies Of A Different Color

It may be a dark partridge. Post more photos in a few weeks.
Ok I will thanks for your help.
does anyone know if it is ok to ise a bbs black in a paint project pen?

I don't see why it wouldn't be ok. You may not produce any usable colors though, depending on the genetics behind your paints and b/b/s birds. What's your goal for mixing them, if you don't mind me asking? Is it just to see what comes from it, paints with blue spots, pets?
i have a lightly painted white hen that i am trying to breed for more spots i just got some bbs chicks that i am planning on breeding with her when they get bigger but i have also heard of blue paints do u think i can get blue paints from a blue and paint?
I think it could be a possibility, but admittedly, I don't know what goes into the making of a paint. In a perfect world, the blue would dilute the black and the white would remain where it is. The problem with the perfect world is most Silkies are recessive white, so a bunch of crazy stuff could come from that. Not too mention the genetics behind your b/b/s birds (lots if folks commonly have partridge and other colors come from their b/b/s pens). The way I understand it is you breed black to paint to bring out the spots, but even then only a percentage will come out with the paint spotting. Did you post your question in the paint thread?
I'd imagine that if you've seen blue paints someone had to have mixed them with blue to get that color. You never know if you don't try! I'd be interested to see the chicks if you do put them together!

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