Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

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I love my silkie babies!
My no predator losses on silkies was cut short....

Some something killed my Silver Partridge Satin silkie today. :hit:(:(

I can provide pictures of the scene if wanted/needed because I have no idea what killed her. :(
Have any of you guys ever used this brooder plate?

I've been wanting to get one since they use far less electricity than the infrared lamps.

If I get this one, I'll get the cover too.

View attachment 1975423
i have one in red. I think it’s smaller, it probably would fit 12 chicks but not for long. The Brahmas didn’t, but the Favorelles and Silkies stayed under until about 6 1/2 weeks periodically.
Have any of you guys ever used this brooder plate?

I've been wanting to get one since they use far less electricity than the infrared lamps.

If I get this one, I'll get the cover too.

View attachment 1975423

I have the do-it-yourself Mama hen heating pad brooder setup. Very similar to that, just much cheaper. Just have to get a heating pad that doesn't have an auto off. And set it up. Everyone's is a bit different. I used a cookie sheet for mine. Its angeled (long ways) at the back end of a storage tote so they can be closer or farther away from the heat. My almost two week old chicks love it. It's like a little chick cave. There's a few threads about it on this website if you're interested in looking into it.
Hey all just thought I would update you on how our Silkie keeping is going.Here are 8 of our pullets with two cockerels in the mix(hatched out APR 23), this pen has a total of 2 cockerels and 11 hens. 2 pullets are currently brooding 10 eggs(today's egg cracking tests show should be 33% fertile) one pullet was removed to broody prison this AM for breaking as she doesn't need to be blocking favorite nest #2.
IMG_5048.JPG IMG_5059.JPG

In the main pen if you notice 85% of all my birds are sighted as we give them aggressive haircuts. During winter the raptor threat is very serious as they either migrate through or stay. It is a never ending thing as somebody always needs a haircut or touchup.
IMG_5051.JPG IMG_5056.JPG IMG_5057.JPG

I finally finished out the bachelor digs early in the week so my behavioral culls/genetic culls are now residing there. Currently it is a cockerel only zone they all have entirely too much Cochin gene expression for my tastes and/or lack blue ears. These guys still are not roaming their 50'x75'x6' fenced run, but I am sure they will get there.

The bachelors:
IMG_5060.JPG IMG_5061.JPG

EDITED: for grammar.
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