Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

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That doesn't look too bad, it probably won't get bad enough to effect her too much as long as it is trimmed. I'd definitely give the top portion a trim to help her out though. When I have little ones who's beaks get a little overgrown I just use some human nail clippers and have my husband help hold them while I clip off the excess. It's really easy, usually just takes a few clips (one across and then a couple to round off the edges).

I've had several with beaks like that. They've done just fine, I do keep a closer eye on them compared to the rest to make sure the beak doesn't become overgrown though. Unfortunately those slightly crooked beaks seem to be an issue that crops up with silkies sometimes in my experience. Cross beaks happen too but luckily less often (since that really can affect how well they eat a lot more).

Given how you describe her gate I'm wondering if she may have a more severe case of wry tail (it is scoliosis in chickens). I've also noticed that pops up sometimes unfortunately. In mild cases the tail will just be slightly askew but in more severe cases the whole spine is affected and will affect their gate. They don't get around as well and have an uneven gate, you can feel their spine is curved oddly and they may have a sort of hump to it as well. I've also noticed my girls with this condition won't start laying until several months after all their normal siblings have. Thankfully so far I've never had problems with these girls being able to lay when they do eventually start (something I was worried their bodies wouldn't handle well).

Aww they are beautiful little guys! 🥰

I bet they are almost at an age where if you get some close ups of the combs and the side of the crest (to show presence or absence of streamers) you'd probably get some pretty decent guesses on what sex they might be. :D
Are they often thin too? She’s just thinner than anyone else. I see her eat but she never seems to get a very full crop, not like all the other hens that make pigs of themselves. I’ll try to trim her beak. She’s not gonna like that she doesn’t want me to mess with it. I’ll also try to pay attention to her spine tomorrow. I do think her wings are slightly uneven. Anything that would be easy to eat and help given good nutrition? I often give her time away from everyone but her hatch mates to eat and drink without the possibility of someone preventing her. And thanks for the reply!
I’ll give it a try sure. I want her to be okay. I’m not keen on it, feels mean to me. That said, this is about improving her quality of life not stopping her from pecking. Thanks for the reply!
The beak is made out of the same material as our won't hurt her. Maybe have a little light behind the beak so you can see where it's solid vs overgrown.. itll shine through just like on our nails. Just got my nail dremel for my dogs, so im going to use it tomorrow. Filling is a good option if you're afraid to cut. 💅
Are they often thin too? She’s just thinner than anyone else. I see her eat but she never seems to get a very full crop, not like all the other hens that make pigs of themselves. I’ll try to trim her beak. She’s not gonna like that she doesn’t want me to mess with it. I’ll also try to pay attention to her spine tomorrow. I do think her wings are slightly uneven. Anything that would be easy to eat and help given good nutrition? I often give her time away from everyone but her hatch mates to eat and drink without the possibility of someone preventing her. And thanks for the reply!

Come to think of it yes all my girls with severe wry tail have been on the thin side and always quite a bit smaller than their siblings. I'm not sure why. Even the ones who are only with a few other silkies and don't really have to wait for the others to finish before eating are still small. :confused:

I'm not sure the best food to try to fatten them up a little. My girls tend to be a little wary of new foods and the ones with the scoliosis even more so. Hopefully someone else has some better insight when it comes to that.
My Silkies are now 11 weeks old! How time flies! They are so FLUFFY! I still haven't named them yet.... Looking for ideas! I do want to name one of them Minette. Just have to figure out who is a boy vs girl!

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There's one more chick who is white but I couldn't get a good picture of her/him before it started raining again.
My chicks are also 11wks old today!!!!!
Come to think of it yes all my girls with severe wry tail have been on the thin side and always quite a bit smaller than their siblings. I'm not sure why. Even the ones who are only with a few other silkies and don't really have to wait for the others to finish before eating are still small. :confused:

I'm not sure the best food to try to fatten them up a little. My girls tend to be a little wary of new foods and the ones with the scoliosis even more so. Hopefully someone else has some better insight
Knowing that others birds with wry tail are thin makes me feel a bit better. That helps point me in the direction of a probable cause for being thin. I’ll try experimenting with foods. She seemd to like the blueberry I gave her the other day. Maybe mixing some high protein food moth mashed berries would help. I also think I’m gonna add some extra vitamins and electrolytes to the water for a bit. She just may not put on any weight but I’m gonna try.
The beak is made out of the same material as our won't hurt her. Maybe have a little light behind the beak so you can see where it's solid vs overgrown.. itll shine through just like on our nails. Just got my nail dremel for my dogs, so im going to use it tomorrow. Filling is a good option if you're afraid to cut. 💅
I might just have to try filing. I’ll be a lot less nervous about cutting something. Also thanks for the info about the beaks and a light. I would have just trimmed with out looking had I not known.
You could always let them have access to water and dirt so they can become hairdressers. She billed the water out of the water cup then rubbed in the mud. Feet were clean, only face and crest was done.

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Unfortunately mine only last with hair ties till a rooster mates 🙄☺️ not long! 😄
I have no pic but I did experiment with bow elastics and ow it look so cute!! ..till rooster pulled it off!
I don't show adults if I can help it...because they get their crests all messy! :lol: So after their crests are messy, I can put them with the rooster and they don't need hair ties. Perfect deal! :p
I haven't been breeding silkies for very long, but I've never had health issues (minus a wry neck bird from a hatchery who we didn't keep), including genetic stuff. I never breed an unhealthy bird or knowingly breed one with a vaulted skull. Here at Cluck N Crow Farm our motto is:
Health before Quality
Quality before Quantity

What I mean to say is health issues can be breed out, and not all silkies have them!
My Silkies are now 11 weeks old! How time flies! They are so FLUFFY! I still haven't named them yet.... Looking for ideas! I do want to name one of them Minette. Just have to figure out who is a boy vs girl!

Chick #1 -
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Chick #6 -
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Chick #7 -
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Chick #8 -
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There's one more chick who is white but I couldn't get a good picture of her/him before it started raining again.
The are all gorgeous birds!😍

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