Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

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Ugh. The day has come. Barney (silkie) and Fred (polish) have begun fighting. Nothing too serious, but wow do those feathers start looking crazy. They stop after a couple chest bumps.. but.. its still early (15 weeks this weekend). Not going to think about rehomes until it's necessary.

Whats funny is Bambina, the itty bitty paint silkie, has started chest bumping the giant polish girls!! They all run away from her... i hope she is still a she.. shes so tiny, and stance wise she looks female.. but she has no problem standing her ground!

Esmeralda is back in the run, still no egg, but acting normally otherwise. Elsa is back in the coop after her day trip to chicken jail. Hoping tomorrow goes well for them all.

I need to do new pics on Saturday, they are all looking sooo cute!
Unfortunately All Chickaletta's eggs weren't fertile!! 😩 I candled all 10 she was on today and chucked them all out 😩 I tried hunting down some eggs for her but no luck till a couple weeks wait so I'll have to break her broodiness 😩 so sad, I was so hoping all her eggs would hatch since she is 10 yr old but no, poor old girl ☹️ she mustn't have accepted rooster's fertilising 🤷
Oh u do have a variety of colors!!! And 100% hatch is AMAZING!!! 👏
CONGRATULATIONS!!! They are all cuties! Do the chipmunk lookin ones tend to be considered partridge?
Thank you! ❤️

The chipmunk looking ones usually do turn out partridge or silver partridge like. Partridge breeders probably cringe at all the silkie chicks that get called partridge because of the chipmunk stripes though. 😂

While they may not exactly be partridge they are somewhat close (I don't exactly know what makes a true partridge vs something that looks similar that is also eb (asiatic partridge) based. I'm guilty of just calling them partridge or silver partridge too when they come out with the stripes. :oops:

What a great hatch!! Can't wait to see their true colors!!

Thank you! I'm having fun guessing already. Pretty sure I have a decent idea on a lot of them but maybe they'll surprise me. 😁

View attachment 3027585View attachment 3027586View attachment 3027587the eggs Hatched last night. mom (and me) is very happy with her chickies.

Congratulations on the two new little ones! They are just precious and I'm so glad mom is happy with the new babies too. ❤️
Hi Silkie Lovers! I just posted an article just on Silkie Breeders. Ya'll should check it out and let me know what you think!😊

Silkie Breeders

Looks like a neat list you've got going! 😊

There are so many breeders out there. I've seen so many farm pages with beautiful birds on facebook.

I've personally gotten eggs from a few different breeders before. I really liked my experience with most though some stopped selling eggs or got out of breeding.

Two that should be still going and selling eggs that I really liked dealing with are both on facebook. At the time I got them the price of eggs was very reasonable for the quality. If someone is interested in paints they have some nice ones. 🥰

Twin maple ranch silkies
Happy chicken farm

I haven't bought from her yet but I've heard lots of good things about Bobbi Porto and she always seems so nice and helpful when I see her commenting in the silkie groups. She offers eggs and birds on her website

I recently got eggs from Alabama silkie mama on facebook too silkie mama. Great packing job and I had a really great hatch for shipped eggs from the one group I've got so far. She's got some really lovely birds. If you are tight on money they are higher on price so something to keep in mind though. She has some really neat harder to find colors. ❤️

Pics of 4/5 week chicks with mother Puff.. there are 8 of them, all doing well 😃 they were all sitting on the rock when I came past but I missed the photo by a few seconds 😩View attachment 3027999
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I think the one in background standing tall might be a little boy!
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Oh they are all just too cute! They are already so pretty, I bet they will just be gorgeous! 😍

Ugh. The day has come. Barney (silkie) and Fred (polish) have begun fighting. Nothing too serious, but wow do those feathers start looking crazy. They stop after a couple chest bumps.. but.. its still early (15 weeks this weekend). Not going to think about rehomes until it's necessary.

Whats funny is Bambina, the itty bitty paint silkie, has started chest bumping the giant polish girls!! They all run away from her... i hope she is still a she.. shes so tiny, and stance wise she looks female.. but she has no problem standing her ground!

Esmeralda is back in the run, still no egg, but acting normally otherwise. Elsa is back in the coop after her day trip to chicken jail. Hoping tomorrow goes well for them all.

I need to do new pics on Saturday, they are all looking sooo cute!

Oh that is boys for ya! 😣😂 Hopefully with just the two there they won't get too bad and will work out pecking order and be mostly content together. Even my young girls will sometimes join in like little Bambina was with the bigger polish. I don't pay much mind to the sparring unless they start pulling too many feathers out or drawing blood. They can be a little rough with each others combs and around the face when they get serious and those areas bleed easily so it can look pretty scary finding them when things take a turn between two boys. It looks horrific but when I've had this happen in bachelor pens the injuries have never actually been that bad and they heal quickly. I usually have to separate the two culprits permanently when things go south like that though.

I just read about Esmeralda being egg-bound, I'm so sorry! I'm glad she is acting normally and I hope things go well with her. :fl
Here’s the silkie x Cochin / satin mixes!! They’re almost 3 weeks old already I cant believe it!

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