Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

I have the 3rd picture as my desktop photo on all my office's computers. On Tuesday, I was talking to my 2 lawyer bosses, and they suddenly noticed the picture on my computer screen behind me and their jaws dropped. They couldn't believe it. So fun.
Hahaha. Just keep the noodles out of the pool and all is well!
That is still just so funny and these are still just the greatest pictures! I put one of my girls in a boot pan of water (think of a small litter box -- about that size) last night and she just stood there motionless like "I'm not sure what I think of this." Then she hopped out and started scratching and eating. Imagine that, a chicken pecking the ground. Kind of like a cat taking a nap or a bath. I think because she was standing in the water she didn't get the whole concept, I'm going to try again tonight with the kiddie pool. Sadly I can't let my birds out until we get a decent rain because my husband sprayed Roundup the driveway and the brick patio yesterday and put down some grub-control chemicals (ground moles all over the place). I hesitate to let the girls range for fear they'll ingest too much poison. And what they eat -- we eat in the long run!
These pictures are just fabulous!! All of your pictures are just beautiful!! In fact, seeing how wonderfully BO's interact with your human babies has made me look into the breed and I'm thinking they may just be part of our next order! Thanks for sharing!
As anti-social and loud as she is, I love my Egyptian Fayoumi and have said if I had the chance I'd have a whole flock of them (so long as the neighbors could stand the noise. They are very vocal!) but now I think I'm going to look into BOs for my next additions! They really do seem social. My RIR is over-the-top social but from what I read on here just recently that's not the normal breed personality. Makes me wonder if she's actually just something that looks like RIR.. Regardless, I think I'm going to add more Fayoumis and get some BOs too!
I see you have Guineas also. Any problems with them being overly aggressive? Just curios. I want a Great Pyranees dog to keep an eye on my chickens and the goats we're thinking of getting, but a few folks have said to get guineas, they'll run anything off that tries to mess with anything in "their" yard. True/False?

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