Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

The third pic from the bottom is really great, your daughter is looking at the chicken so lovingly, very sweet picture.....And I'm thinking they should be called
I've updated this post with more photos of our ducky chickens!!

Yes I know that "they" say chickens can't swim. Or chickens will only float for a few minutes and then their feathers will become sodden and they will sink. Well I'm here to let you know that their feathers may become wet and sodden, but they will not sink. They will float, swim and flap. They LOVE the pool! So who are "they" anyway??

Here's Tara with one of her babies:

Here are Madeline, our neighbor Riley, and Tara with all three of our girls (Dixie, Jasmine and Daisy).

And the Henny Penny's just chillin' in the 92 degree heat .

Preening after the pool....

Excuse us...A little privacy please human! Now make yourself useful and fetch us some meal worms.

****************************Updated photos below!*************************
These pictures were taken on 8/3/11.

That is so cute. Our black chickens would swim in the pool in the summer so I'll see if mine will swim this summer.
Your ladies came out better than my Johnny. He fell into the cow's water trough in rather cold weather. I didn't want him in the water while I ran around to go thru the gate so I reached thru the fence and tossed him out. Poor guy landed right in the mud!!
OH that is so FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you see these really prim and proper hens floating in a pristine pool and such, then WHAMO.... this picture shows up. OMG I almost fell off my chair laughing. this is just the best picture. you made my day.
And i do believe that is the stink eye you are receiving, poor guy.

That's for sure! What a look! LOL!!!!!!!

I would not recommend teaching chickens to like to swim unless your pool is COMPLETELY inaccessible to them when you're not around. Otherwise there are going to be disasters.
They absolutely "can" swim. Just make sure you are there to supervise. Our chickens LOVE the pool and they will float and paddle their feet and swim. They don't sink and it's a great way for them to cool off and play with my kids. :) They are Buff Orpington's. They are a really friendly breed.

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