Silly things wouldn't eat it!! Would warm sugar water work?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I tried giving my 2-3 mo. old silkie and BTW jap babies oatmeal, and they would not touch it!! They acted like I was trying to poison them! I was wondering if I could give them warm sugar water in the morning? Would that help warm their little bodies up? We had frost for the first time last night (ALREADY!!), and my smallest BTW pullet was fluffed up all day yesterday and today. And now one of the little roos is too. Not droopy, just fluffed.
They should be fine. You don't have to heat them up. They're puffing up and keeping warm on their own. If you keep trying with the oat meal or tossing some of their favorite treat on top, I bet they'd take a liking to it.
I think it takes a while for chicks to like some treats, they probably would really like the oat meal after a while, and as said, put food they DO like with it, until they are used to it.
This isnt hot food, but I tried giving my chicks a little bit of tomato and they totally ignored it, like they didnt even realize it was for eating...
Oh yes, pile a few of their favorite treats on top and I bet they'd go nuts. Mine love raisins and tomatoes to pieces... I bet that would work!

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