Silver Appleyard color fading


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Swansea, SC
I have two pair of Silver Appleyards that I got from a local breeder about a year ago. When I got them, their color was very typical and beautiful. Over the past month though, my drakes have lost their color. There is no green on their head, just silver and black now. I attributed it to molting, but after a month or so thought it should be coming back now. We also had a 6ft snake playing predator on their eggs too, so I moved them to another pen with other ducks until we got that problem solved (two weeks ago). The girls have also quit laying during this same time. Anyone got any ideas? I feed them a mixture of layer and 20% waterfowl. They are from stock from Johnson Waterfowl.

My harlequins are going through the same thing. You can barely tell the boys from the girls right now. It does seem like forever until they look good and start laying again, but its worth the wait.
Got my first Harlequins from Holdread's in early June. I got them because of the rave reviews of a friend who had some. I think I'm going to enjoy them too. I love the duckies. :) Got some appleyards hatching in the incubator now. thanks so much guys, you've put my mind at ease.
Drakes have two colors. During breeding season, they are brightly colored. At the end of breeding season, they molt and then they wear "eclipse" plumage, which is very close to the same color as the ducks.

Come the start of breeding season, they molt again and put on their fancy duds so they can show off for the ladies.
Ok, I am so new to Appleyards that I didn't even know there was a breeding season. Is it during certain months, or just whenever it happens to hit them? My Anconas quit laying for a couple of months, usually Nov-Jan.
That would explain why the ladies aren't laying either. It also explains why I am not seeing them mate at all, while the Pekings and Anconas are going full blast.
Your Appleyard ducks will probably continue to lay eggs as soon as they are finished moulting. My drakes are now almost completely brown, including their heads.

As a generalization, the breeds of ducks that are not specifically bred to be egg layers, will lay in the late winter and spring. Then they are done for the year. Mother Nature does not intend for ducks to hatch ducklings during migration season or cold weather.

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