Silver Duckwing Bantams

Just curious how your Silver Duckwing Bantam(s) did over the winter. We have two tiny little girls, one a Mille Fleur OEG Bantam and one a Silver Duckwing OEG Bantam. They are so sweet and smart -- they have quickly become my favorites. I, too, am worried about them in the Virginia winters. Their little legs are so tiny and thin, and they prefer to roost in their outdoor-but-enclosed pen at night, crazy girls. I can't get them to be indoor sleepers, no matter what I try, so I'm particularly worried that they'll get too cold at night. Did yours fare well?
Rachel was my favorite chicken and the nicest Silver Duckwing you could meet:). Unfortunately I lost her this week -- no sign of her at all which is devastating:hit. I got her when she was 2 years old and had her for 3 additional years. Does anyone know where I can find another hen? I live in Sussex County NJ. I appreciate any recommendations...
i have a male and female oeg silver duckwings i picked out of a assorted bantam bin at tsc. they are about 10 months old and well under a lb. I'm going to breed them this spring and sell the chicks as pets. they are both super tame and allow us to handle them. they are calm and inquisitive. even more so than my silkies. I'm in n. Maine and we hit -35f every winter and these guys handled it just fine in a uninsulated, unheated kids playhouse converted to a coop with 4 other bantams in there.
I have two hens show up one hen came up missing I'd love to have a littler roster and another hen. any one know any one in East Texas area who has some preferably grown.
Thanks y'all
My silver duckwing Old English Bantam is also my favorite. I got her at the end of last summer and she is now laying about every other day. Her eggs are large for her size and are like a small commercial size egg where as my other Crele bantam's eggs are much smaller. This little hen is at the head of my 3 in pecking order. She has always been so tame and sweet letting my grand daughters and myself pick her up and carry her around.She can even be a lap-hen for a long while.More like a pet than my Silkie bantam or other old english (Crele) that is shy.
If you really want to give your birds a treat, buy a container of dried mealworms like the ones sold in bird-food section at Lowes. They absolutely love them and will eat from your hand. Also a treat of canned dog food is beginning to be expected. I dont know if this is why they are laying better or if it is due to spring but I am enjoying the gifts of eggs just in time for Easter!hi I’m loofor some silver duckwing bantam cock bird
My silver duckwing Old English Bantam is also my favorite. I got her at the end of last summer and she is now laying about every other day. Her eggs are large for her size and are like a small commercial size egg where as my other Crele bantam's eggs are much smaller. This little hen is at the head of my 3 in pecking order. She has always been so tame and sweet letting my grand daughters and myself pick her up and carry her around.She can even be a lap-hen for a long while.More like a pet than my Silkie bantam or other old english (Crele) that is shy.
If you really want to give your birds a treat, buy a container of dried mealworms like the ones sold in bird-food section at Lowes. They absolutely love them and will eat from your hand. Also a treat of canned dog food is beginning to be expected. I dont know if this is why they are laying better or if it is due to spring but I am enjoying the gifts of eggs just in time for Easter!
Hi I’m looking for a silver duckwing bantam cock bird please could you tell me where you got them from I would like to buy some thanks

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