Silver Laced Polish... How???


8 Years
Jan 7, 2012
I live in New Zealand and we can't import new poultry, if we want something, we have to make it. There are no Silver Laced Polish here... How would one go about making this happen? We have Silver Laced Wyandottes and Silver Sebrights... These would be Polish Bantams... Any ideas?
Well you would have to have something with a crest. Are you sure you are not able to find any Polish chickens near you?
Oh yeah sorry, I should have mentioned, we do have Polish (white and black/blue with white crest mainly) Just wondering what crossings would work to keep the lacing...
Well you would have to have a polish, and then whatever laced chicken is closest to polish chickens...But I bet there is someone there that has more varieties of Polish chicken...

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